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*Dj's POV*

When I woke up I was in my living room. It was quiet. My braids had been pulled back from my face, but the last thing I remembered was seeing my Father.

I laid there silently in the dark, clenching my eyes tightly. A tear began to fall down and I didn't even have the strength wipe it away.

I eventually started picking myself up though, jumping when I seen the dark figure in the chair beside me. I realized he was the one that brought me to the couch, and waited for me to wake up.

"Didn't mean to scare you," he said. "You uh- you passed out earlier. Your Mom wanted to send you in an ambulance but I remembered from when you were younger you'd only pass out when you felt overwhelmed. Remember when you passed out at your 7th birthday party when all the kids were tryna' dance with you?" He grinned. "I put you to bed and watched you sleep for 4 hours straight that night."

I stared at him with a blank expression. It seemed emotionless, all the heart felt words that should have made me feel something, made me feel nothing. The look I had on my face should have been enough to kill him right there, but still I remembered that night like it was yesterday, and I remember waking up and being in his arms right after too.

"Dessence, I'm sorry. No amount of sorry's could take away how I've treated you guys but it's true. I don't expect any forgiveness but I expect you to try to forgive me. I was under a lot of stress at the time and leaving is what I just felt like I needed to do. I never meant to hurt you guys and you know that."

"You don't think we needed you too Dad?" I asked. "You don't think your children were under a lot of stress too? Your wife at that?"

"Dessence that's not what I'm saying but-"

"But you were too busy thinking about yourself. Don't trip Dad I don't want an explanation. I don't want a goddamn thing from you," I started to walk out of the house but he grabbed my wrist.

"I wasn't just thinking about myself Dessence."

"Let me go before I scream again." I threatened.

He did as he was told, letting me walk out of the house with nothing else to say. I didn't even bother to turn back around because I didn't care about how he felt right now.

I desperately wished that I wasn't pissed off with Amber, because she had been the only person I could confide in about shit like this. Sadly though, I didn't even wanna look at her face after seeing it in Hayden's. My only hope was to call Jayon, who had been blowing me up for the past 3 hours. I called back and waited for him to pick up, and thankfully he did on the 3rd ring.

"Baby? You good?" He asked.

"Um, no Jayon. My Father is back."

It was silent over the line for a minute. I heard him sigh before he started talking again. "So what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know I just- I just need someone to talk too right now." I said, hearing my voice break over the phone.

"I'm on my way. Stay in the front of your house okay?"

"I will," I told him. We hung up around the same time and I found a spot to sit while I waited on him. I admired the stars tonight. How still they looked and how light they were shining. They were beautiful.

I seen the door of my house open once more. At first I assumed it was my Father but it turned out to be Deon. He made eye contact with me instantly, running across the street with no shoes or socks on.

He grabbed me for an embrace and I hugged him back. "I'm sorry," he told me into my shirt. "For what?" I asked him.

"Not keeping in touch with you when Mom did what she did, but even though we didn't talk I always talked about you with Mom. It wasn't fair to me, you're my big sister and I didn't respect her for doing what she did at all," he tells me, letting me go.

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