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*Jayon's POV*

I had walked to the bakery side of the Walmart so I could get an extra cupcake for Jasmine. Strawberry Shortcake was her favorite and I knew she would love me for it.

The lady behind the glass filled with most of the baked goods was older, probably in her late 20's. She was attractive though, even in her uniform. Her hair was brown and silky, wrapped in a small bun. She looked Mexican. "Could I just pay for everything here? I don't feel like walking all the way over there to stand in the line,"

"Sure, might take a bit longer though," she told me.

"Great," I said, watching her smile grow.

I handed her a 20 dollar bill while placing everything on her counter to ring up, glancing to her chest. Her body was nice as hell. She had a bit of a tummy, but not too much. Her boobs stuck out perfectly. Dj's body was perfect as well, but in her own little way. She didn't have a big butt or boobs but I still was attracted to her in many ways. I tried to go the whole day without thinking about her but I knew she would come in one way or another. It sucked it had to be when I was staring at another girl's body.

She began to bag my items silently, "15.47," she says, finally accepting my money. "These look like the type of things you'd get for a teen," she tells me.

I nodded. "My little sister turns 14 today,"

"How cute," she smiled. "I have a 17 year old brother, his birthday's in April though,"

She handed me my bag. "Damn, how old are you?" I asked her.

"27," she said, looking down her aisle. "Next customer," she yelled, smiling at me as I began to move out the line.

A lady immediately ended up in her line, stacking tubes of ice cream in-front of her to ring up. She looked at me again, shrugging while I grinned. The types of people that came to Wal-Mart never failed to surprise me.

"Thank you," I said, smirking as I began to walk out of the Wal-Mart. "Bye," she said slowly, like she didn't want me to leave.

I had to though. I hated to admit it but I was still hung up on Dj. Plus, I didn't need any other distractions.

*Djs POV*

"I wonder what kind of phone it'll be," I say. We had all been lounging on the couch once again. This day seemed to go slower and slower, or so I thought.

"The same phone," Deon stated. "Why would she get you anything higher when you couldn't even take care of the normal 6 you had?"

"Deon hush," Amber spoke before I could. "I feel like she will bring you back a 6 plus. I mean you do deserve it, plus you're growing up,"

I smiled at Amber. She was right but I knew Deon was more accurate. He knew how our mother was, she didn't ever care about the fact about either of us growing up.

"What time is it?" Deon asked.

"You can tell time Deon," I told him. "Look at the stove,"

He turns around, glancing at the clock while he groaned. "It's only 2:30," he says. "Why is time going by so slow today?"

"Feels fast to me," Amber shrugged.

"Everything feels fast to you," Deon said to her. Her face had lost its smile; it quickly turned into a frown. "Dj, get your brother before I do,"

"Oh, no you won't. Adrian tells me about how you're always trying to fight him, you won't be trying that with me,"

"I don't always try to fight him," Amber argued. "He only says that because I always win our fights,"

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