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*Djs POV*

Me and Amber had finished cooking and even though most things were a bit over cooked we still ate all of it, with the help of Deon. Now we were in the living room watching re runs of Zoey 101, also with the help of Deon. Today had been the only day in a while I spent time with my brother, with Amber included of course.

"It's always been fucked up to me how bad Mark treated Quinn knowing how much she loved him. I wouldn't have stuck around his fat ass," Amber says. She had clearly been thinking out loud.

"Exactly," Deon chimes in, shaking his head.

Amber quickly picks up the remote, turning the tv off and switching her attention to my brother. "So how's you and Adrian?"

He gets quiet, looking at me in annoyance. He had finally figured out that I told Amber.

"Fine..." he says.

"Has either of you met anyone?" She asks.

"Adrian has actually been talking to this one girl, he won't tell me her name. I don't even know how they met either. He's been keeping her a secret for about a week maybe, but I'm honestly not sure for how long, could be longer."

"Really?" Amber's voice changes. Her hopes in wanting Adrian and Deon to end up together was crushed. Still, she knew her brother had always been attracted to women, but still she hoped he wouldn't be completely for the sake of Deon. She was truly a good friend, but impractical at times.

I sat in silence. This wasn't my conversation to interfere in.

"Yeah, he's always texting her. Always. His head isn't even in video games as much as it use to be,"

"Oh wow, he hasn't said a word to me," Amber says. She gets up, sliding on her slides from under the couch.

"Amber where are you going?" I ask, standing up to follow her out of my door.

"Dj I'll be back," she told me as she started to close my door. I could tell she was upset, but she had never been that mad over her brother not telling her something before. Then I remembered she was pregnant and pregnant women were always the most emotional. This had clearly been a tough time for Amber.

I waved at her car as she prepared to drive off but she didn't see me. Within minutes she was gone, driving down the empty road. I walked back inside of my house, slowly closing the door behind me. Deon had been staring at me from the living room with an angry expression on his face.

"Dj I know you told Amber about my crush on Adrian. It's gone now so it doesn't even matter, Me and him will never happen," he said, slouching.

"Well Deon that is her brother and we're best friends, she had to know some time. At least I didn't tell mom, but when did you realize that?"

"When he made fun of a dude on one of the games we were playing, we were online and usually it connects us with strangers. It was Call of Duty. Basically Adrian didn't like the fact that the dude kept flirting with us. He said he liked our voices and Adrian called him gay like it was nothing and all I could do was laugh, but deep down I hated it. It was wrong but I couldn't seem like I cared. Being friends with him has been a bit more difficult these past few months. He's been more calmer though since he's met...whoever it is he's met," Deon spoke, hesitating on the last part. It seemed suspicious, like he knew exactly who Adrian was talking too but didn't want me to know.

I squinted my eyes at him a bit, watching him turn towards our tv once again. "Well for starters if you're not comfortable with Adrian being homophobic around you, as a friend you're suppose to be honest and tell him how that makes you feel," I start.

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