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After I finished showering and washing my hair, I looked through my closet for an outfit I was going to wear. I had to look cute, but not too cute. Jayon probably wasn't gonna put an effort to how he dressed today so why should I? I understood why he wouldn't though. I'm sure outfits were the last thing on his mind.

I searched and searched for a top until I landed my eyes on a Denim Jean Jacket. I don't think I even tried to wear it before, but it looked cute.

I was so used to wearing the same styles when summer came because I didn't have large groups of people judging me on what I wore daily. Usually the only people I was around were my brother, mother, and Amber. That was of course until I met Jayon.

The thought of Amber comes to mind. I wondered how she had been feeling today. I knew she was awake, she had to be. She had my number if she wanted to talk to me, but I still hadn't got any calls from her. It was weird, but I'm sure she was under a lot of stress after losing her baby.

Deep down, Amber didn't want that baby. She never went to the doctors not once to get a simple check up and since the day me, Jayon, her, and Jayon's cousin (Vincent) went to the carnival Amber hadn't been watching herself. It was like after a certain point she gave up on trying to take care of it, but she didn't want anyone to know she gave up. She would have felt ashamed if anyone knew, which is probably why she didn't even tell me.

I pulled the jacket out, tossing it over my bed. "Now for the pants," I said to myself. "What pants should I wear with this?"
It felt weird talking to myself, but soothing at the same time. I usually always kept my thoughts in my head because they were always safe there.

I had found a pair of black pants along with a grey tank top to wear under my jacket, throwing them both on the top of it. "Perfect," I say. Well, to me it looked perfect. I wasn't sure what Jayon would think about it. I wasn't even sure what Jayon would think when he seen me without braids for the first time.


*Jayon's POV*

I made my way back to the hospital after a couple of hours of trying to find a good place to hide the money my grandmother had just given me. I wasn't going to show my mom the note until it was time, but I was going to make sure that they both had the money Grandma wanted them to have.

As I step inside of the hospital, my nerves start to rise. I hated the energy this place had now. I hated all hospitals in general.

I see my mom and sister in the waiting room. They looked the same way they did last night, depressed and confused.

"Jayon," Jasmine's face lights up as she stands, making her way towards me. She wraps her arms around my torso. My mom looks at me but doesn't say a word.

"Here," I say to Jasmine after I finished hugging her back. I reached into my jacket pocket to pull out a band of money. "It's from grandma."

"500 dollars?" Jasmine covers her mouth in disbelief. "How is this from Grandma?" She asks, playing with the bills against her thumb.

My mom stands to her feet as well, making her way towards us. "What is this?" She snatches the money Jasmine had in her hand. I snatched it back, "It's from Grandma, and it belongs to Jasmine," I say.

"Is that so?" My mother asks suspiciously. "Where did it come from Jayon?"

"An envelope with my name on it. I'm surprised she didn't leave one for you mom, but then again I'm not. You never cared for Grandma as much as I did and she knew that. Why are you even here?" I ask her, causing Jasmine to look at mom sadly. "Mom you did care for Grandma," she says. "We all did, equally,"

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