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*Jayon's POV*

For the past couple days I was getting ignored by Dj. It started to fuck me up the more I realized she was doing this, because I would drive by her school on rare occasions to see if I saw her, but I think she expected me to do this because I still never saw her.

Now I was leaving in just 2 more days and I still hadn't got one text or call from her since she'd come home from the hospital. Her behavior confused me because when I spoke to her I really thought we were okay, but of course her actions spoke louder than words.

The only person who knew about my problems with Dj was Jasmine, and she kept telling me to do the same thing over and over again.

"Just go over there!" I hear her say again. She was standing by my doorway, shaking her head at all the boxes I had placed on one side of my
room. I didn't want them shits blocking my way around it, so they had to go somewhere.

"We're leaving in 2 more days," I tell her. "She knows this, I know she's counting down the days Jasmine," I crack my knuckles.

"Right, so go over there and find out why she's not talking to you 2 days before we're suppose to be getting on a damn plane," she says. Hearing her curse was funny but I knew if our mom heard her she'd get her ass beat.

"I don't wanna seem like I'm forcing shit Jas. She had a panic attack because of me, I want her to have her space but at least let me know why she needs it,"

"Again," Jasmine smacks her head. "Go find out Jayon! Take your ass over there and-"

"Jasmine, now I know you ain't in here cussing," our moms voice cuts her off completely. I looked at her with a smirk, watching her slowly turn around to face our mom.

"I definitely wasn't mom," she gives off a awkward laugh. "I was just saying-"

"Get to your damn room and finish packing your shit," our mom warns her. Jasmine smacks her teeth and walks away, mouthing some words I hardly could read. I wasn't a mouth reader, that type of shit wasted my time.

I looked at my mom and shrugged, putting a fake smile on for her.

"What's got you moping around the damn house?" She asked, resting herself against my wall.

"Nothing mom," I say. "Just can't believe we're moving in a couple days,"

"Me neither. Vegas has ran its course on me these past years, I wouldn't take nothing back from living here, but I'm glad we're all getting a new start. How's Dj doing?"

"Since when do you care about Dj?" I grin. I wasn't sure if my mom actually liked Dj sometimes or if she was just being fake.

"I care about the girl. She's nice and she's had you in love for awhile," she says.

"Whatever ma',"

"How is she doing?" She asks again.

"Haven't talked to her,"

"And why is that? Y'all not fighting again are you?"

"I would hope not," I say, laying back against my bed.

"Jayon what do you mean you hope not. Have you even called to check on the girl?" She asks, walking towards me.

"I been trying but she's been avoiding me. I don't know why,"

"Maybe she's just preparing herself for the future Jayon," she says, taking a seat next to me.

"Man," I shake my head. "What future?"

"Jayon, I don't know how the girl thinks. Just go over there and find out," she tells me, slapping my leg. "I taught you to chase what you want,"

"And Grandma taught me to wait and see," I grin.

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