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*Dj's POV*

I carefully leaned against the counter, watching Jayon sit down on our patio chairs. I rushed over to the backdoor to close the blinds quickly, looking behind me to make sure my mother hadn't made it down the stairs yet.

"What are you doing Dj?" She asked.

Deon looks at me subtlety before making his way up the stairs. Hopefully he was gonna pray for me.

"Oh, the blinds were open. It's late so I was just closing them," I say.

She nods, heading to the fridge. "How was today?" She asks.

"It was...cool." I say casually.

"That's good," she says tiredly, pulling out a water bottle. "My day was off. So much I had to deal with from my boss. It made me think about wanting to quit," she says.

I look at her confused. "Quit? As in quit to find another job quit or quit working forever quit?"

"Well, I need a job to pay the bills. Can't wait for you to start bringing some money in here, my life would be a lot easier,"

"Mom I don't wanna spend the money I earn working on paying bills. I'm a teenager,"

"If you want lights and water, I bet you will," she says irritably.

I roll my eyes, making my way to the living room. "I'm sorry you had a bad day at work though," I tell her.

She shrugs. "It's all good. It's just time for me to take action," she said, turning the kitchen lights off. "Goodnight Dj," she tells me as she climbed up the stairs.

Take action. I wonder what she meant by that, but something was telling me I'd find out later.

After I realized she had finally been up the stairs I hurried to my backyard, looking through the blinds and instantly locking eyes with Jayon.

He smirked, standing to his feet while waiting for me to open the door.

I slid it open slightly. "My moms gonna be awake for awhile. Usually when she has a bad day she binge watches one of her reality shows until she's knocked out."

"My mom is the complete opposite. She's asleep as soon as she's in a bad mood. Well, most of the time," he tells me, stepping back inside of my house.

"Your mom is intimidating," I say. He looks at me confused. "I don't even think she approves of me,"

"As long as my grandma approves of you, I don't care about her opinion," he says, his eyes starting to water. He furiously wipes the corner of them and shakes his head. "Fuck, she woulda' loved you man," he tells me.

I rub his back softly. "I would have loved her," I tell him. He nods, following me into the living room.

"It just really fucks me up to know she's really gone Dj. I knew it was gonna be a day when she left me, but I just didn't want it to be any time soon. I wanted her to be around long enough to see me be successful, to guide me through things I won't be able to guide myself through. She was so strong, it just doesn't make sense to me how she could have been here one day, and gone the next,"

"That just goes to show that you have to cherish what you love while it's around. Everything lives, and everything dies," I tell him, laying my head on his shoulder. "I always wished my grandmother could have seen me grow, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. Watching her smile, cook, sing, was all that mattered to me while she was alive, but I took all of it for granted, and I think that's what you've been doing with your grandma. All the gifts she's given you and stuff she's left behind for you, are things you'll have for the rest of your life. Memories you'll never forget. She made sure your life was set before she left this world, and I think you need to look at it like that Jayon,"

He looks at me, letting himself shed tears. Without a word coming from his mouth, he leans in to kiss me softly. I felt the tears he had on his face against my cheeks as we kissed, and I tried my best to wipe them from his eyes. He had kissed me while he was crying, and that was the most purest thing he could have ever did. I knew at this moment just how much this boy loved me, and I knew just how much I loved him.

"I wanna grow old with you," he says lowly, his eyes red.

His hand was on my jaw, and he squeezed tightly while watching my lips form a small smile. He'd never said anything like that to me before. He had said things similar, but never that.

All I could do was stare at him in silence. He was so beautiful, and so broken inside. I knew he wouldn't be the same Jayon, and it was my job to fix him. It was my job to make him believe he could survive obstacles like this without giving up. I wasn't going to give up on this boy, not ever. He needed me, a lot more than I thought he did.

I needed him too though. A lot more than I thought I did.


*Jayon's POV*

There it was again. The silence between us that calmed me when I was feeling anxious or angry. The silence I could only have with Dj, and nobody else.

Her head laid on my shoulder, while mines laid on her head. I played with her hair while she rubbed my chest, humming the same annoying ass song that played in my car just hours ago.

"Shut up," I mumbled. I was trying to fall asleep but her humming was distracting me. Not only had I just cried real tears while kissing her, but I told her I wanted to grow old with her. She hadn't even gave me a real response back, just showed me a weird smile. Maybe growing old with me wasn't something she had in mind. Or, maybe she was just so stunned to the point where she didn't have anything to say.

"I want to marry you Jayon," she says, completely out of the blue. She lifted her head up and stared at me blankly. Not a smile was on her face now, but she still waited for me to respond to her.

Now, I was the stunned one.

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