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Pulling up to the front of my house seemed odd in a way. It seemed weird to know that I was just here in the beginning of summer, just to be kicked out at the very ending of it. My life had took a huge toll since I met Jayon, and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

Sure he made my life better, but he also brought drama to it. Did I really see myself having a good future with him? Did I think everything from our past would soon catch up to us the longer we stayed together? Did I honestly want to spend the rest of my life with him like I had made myself believe in the beginning?

At this point I didn't know. Everything was different now. Things had been different since he lost his grandmother, and no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he was okay. I could tell he wasn't.

"Thank you Jayon," I told him, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"I'll bring your stuff to you later, you just tell me how everything goes," he said, planting a soft kiss on my hand. "I love you Dj,"

I smiled, turning away from him to get out of the car. He knew I loved him, I didn't have to say it back every time he told me.

I shut his car door and inhaled before I made my way to my front door. All I could think about was my mothers face when she seen me.

I turned back around to see Jayon starting his engine. He glanced at me one last time before driving away.

I knocked on my door softly, closing my eyes to wait for someone to open it.

"Who is it?" A low voice came through the door. It was familiar in a way, but I chose to ignore it. My first guess was to assume she had a new boyfriend, which was one of the reasons why she didn't want me home.

It wasn't until the door opened that I realized why she didn't want me home. The only reason why she didn't want me home.

"Dessence?" He spoke. He seemed shocked by my appearance, or shocked by the fact that I had popped up out of no where. "Dad," I said. "Y-you're home?" I questioned, holding my chest. I had tried to keep my tears in all day, all day shit had been happening to me. Shit I couldn't control or understand, but this? Seeing my father in the house I was kicked out of, seeing the father that left us when we needed him most just standing in my door way as if nothing ever happened, this broke me down to my core. My mother had kept me out of this house because of him, because she knew if I knew he was back I would treat him terribly, I would look at him different and with no amount of respect. All I could do was break down in front of him, and when he tried to comfort me I screamed. I pushed him off of me angrily and I cried and screamed. "Get off of me! Get away from me!" I yelled.

My mother came to the door almost immediately. She begged for me to calm down but I couldn't. I felt betrayed, I was hurt. I didn't understand why any of this was happening to me. Nothing was fair, and it angered me that my mother kept this from me. I don't care how much she felt like she was protecting my heart. If anything she had broke it even more.

Deon came rushing down the stairs with worry flashed in his eyes. "Dj?" He spoke as he tried to pull me away from our father. Over the sounds of them yelling and begging me to stop, everything went blurry. I started to feel a state of dizziness I never felt and before I knew it, I was unconscious and wrapped in this mans arms. The mans arms I hadn't been wrapped in after 3 years.

*Jayon's POV*

"Where's Dj?" My mom had asked. She had busted in my room without knocking once again. No matter how many times I told her to respect my privacy, she never did.

"Home. I told her to call me later. I think she's gonna end up staying this time,"

"Really now?" She asked. She seemed happy by that. "Well I've wanted to talk to you about us moving. I found a cute little one story in Texas, and a job opportunity. Can you believe that? I haven't worked in awhile but I finally found something I want to be apart of," she says, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm happy for you ma," I tell her, grabbing my phone. I still hadn't got a call from Dj and I was starting to feel anxious. It had been 2 hours since I dropped her off.

"Jayon are you even listening? I found a place in Texas. We've got to start packing in a month, I called the landlord for a 30 day,"

"A what?" I looked at her immediately.

"A 30 day, it means we've got 30 days to get out,"

"No, no, no mom. I told you I wasn't going with you. I was serious about that."

"And I told you if you and Dj didn't find a place you were going with me. Now did I not make that clear? You're not 18 yet which means I still have parental control over you,"

"Whatever," I ignored her. I wasn't about to entertain her bullshit today. I wasn't going with her and I meant that. Texas? What the fuck did I look like going to Texas? What the fuck did I look like leaving the Dj for some country ass town with country hump back ass girls?

"No, you are not ignoring me today Jayon Burdette and I mean it!" She points a finger in my face and I grin. I hated when she said my full name like that but it always sounded funny when she did.

"Mom, get out of my face," I told her calmly.

"Who the hell do you think your talking too?" She questioned. I wasn't surprised to see her sipping on a glass of liquor. That's all her drunk ass did. That was part of the reason why she couldn't keep a stable job.

"Jasmine! Come get your mom," I played, watching her face turn red. I did that shit because I knew how angry it made her. Whenever I separated her from being my mother she had temper tantrums, especially while she was drunk. Jasmine had made it to my doorway in less than a second. "What now?" She asked, looking straight at our mothers glass. "She's drunk again?"

"What do you think?" I ask her.

"I don't need this shit," she says, standing to her feet. "Your things better be packed in 30 days buddy,"

I mocked her as she left my room, shaking my head. Now I had to find somewhere to go in 30 days while I juggled school and this relationship with Dj. Fucking fantastic.

"What's wrong Jay?" Jasmine asked, walking towards me. "Everything, I just miss Gramma," I told her.

"Me too,"

"Shit has not been good lately Jas. I feel like my life is just going down the drain and the only thing keeping me sane is Dj. She's one of the reasons why I don't wanna move,"

"I know bro, but moving would be good for us, and I don't see why Dj can't just come with us," she said, sitting on my bed.

"She wouldn't. Not now at least. She's a junior in high school and she has family here,"


"I just wish we had a different mother sometimes, one that understood us better. Or me better at-least, y'all are always good,"

"Not always, I mean she's a mom, and she drinks. What you deal with is what I deal with, it's just different because you're her son," Jasmine states.

"Yeah yeah yeah," I say.

"Seriously though Jay. You don't have as much patience for her as I do. Your guys' relationship has always been problematic,"

"Where you getting these big ass words?" I ask, making her laugh. "I'm growing up you know," she tells me.

"You are. You really are," I say, reaching out to her for a hug. "Thanks for being a good lil sister most of the time,"

She hugged me, grinning while I started to tickle her on her sides. "You won't ever be to old to be ticklish,"

"Stop stupid!" She laughed intensely. It was always fun to mess with her when she least expected me too.

I loved her though, and now that I seen that she was growing up to be an actual woman, I realized that that was something I wanted to be apart of. I was her brother, and I knew she needed me.

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