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It had been awhile before I spotted Jayon's car slowly accelerating down the busy road. It wasn't his red one, but I tried to wave my hand up so he would see me. He didn't see me until I opened Carl's car door though.

He made a sharp U-Turn, parking his car right behind Carl's. He'd made sure that he had kept a couple spaces back to prevent from hitting Carl and Adrian, who were still behind their car hollering back and forth. The hollering had stopped though, by the time Jayon arrived Carl had Adrian in his hold.

I jumped out of the car and tried to pull Carl's grasp from Adrian, who was out of control.

Jayon was immediately out of his car when he saw me struggling with Carl. He pulled back Adrian, who was screaming the most awful things a teenage boy could scream. His father was threatening him in ways I couldn't understand.

Despite their recent loving scene at the hospital, this was what they're family was really all about. Their true colors had shown tonight, and this was probably one of the reasons why Amber was never home.

"Let me go!" Adrian yelled, kicking his feet to gain control.

"Chill out, stop," Jayon had told him calmly. Adrian's feet had came to a stop but he was still trying to escape Jayon's hold.

"Who are you?" Carl asked, looking at Jayon. He pulled from me, looking me in my eyes for clarity.

"Dj? Who the hell is this?" He asked.

I stood there, looking stupid and lost.

"Jayon," Jayon answered for me, still holding Adrian's arms backwards.

Adrian finally turned towards him. "Let me go, I'm fine," he told him quietly.

"Promise?" Jayon asked.

"He's fine," Carl said, yanking Adrian's arm towards him.

"Get off me," Adrian demanded.

"Now that you're done with your little tantrum, go get your ass back in that car," his father demanded.

"No," Adrian answered.

"Dj, can you please explain to me what's going on here?" Jayon asks, looking at me confusedly.

"Later, Jayon," I tell him while rubbing my temples.

He looks at me irritably, shifting his attention back to Adrian and his father.

"What's going on with you guys?" Jayon asks.

"This is my son," Carl said, stepping up to Jayon. "That's all you need to know,"

"Back the fuck up, I only came here to help Dj," Jayon told him, pointing at me.

"Help her with what?" He asks, stepping closer.

"She was crying," he tells him, backing away.

"If you have anything to do with why my daughter is in the hospital tonight, so help me God I will kill you right now," Carl threatens.

I push Adrian to the car, he cooperates by getting in but he doesn't close the door.

Anxiety began to fill my bloodstream, I made my way between the two, attempting to push Carl away from Jayon. He had no right to be in his face the way he was. He was being too superstitious, and even though it was because of Amber, he should have known me well enough to know I would never bring anyone around Amber who had any intention of hurting her. Jayon had been with me all day, and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't have done anything to Amber. I know him.

"Your daughter?" Jayon looks at me, and grins.

"What the hell is funny?" Carl asks him, stepping closer to him once again while raising his horrid voice.

"Look. I don't know who your daughter is, and I'm sure I have nothing to do with why she's in the damn hospital, for whatever reason," Jayon pushes Carl in his chest, walking back to his car.

Carl catches his self, charging towards Jayon, making me run after him while reaching for his waist.

"DJ MOVE!" He shouts, trying to get me off of him. But I wasn't letting go, I wasn't going to stand there while he tried to attack Jayon for being honest. He had nothing to do with why Amber was where she was, and he was having a hard time understanding that.

"What the hell?" Jayon says, turning around to see me on the ground with my arms glued to the back of Carl's shirt.

He leans to the ground, trying to pick me up with one hand. Deja Vu hit me immediately, taking me back to the moment where he helped me up after that horrible fight, and guided me safely inside the apartment.

Tonight he would be sure to guide me safely back home.

My grip on Carl had been released when I chose to take Jayon's hand. Carl pushed Jayon away from me though, making Jayon's eyes turning blood red.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jayon asked him, shoving in his chest once again. Carl had took a swing, hitting Jayon in his jaw. Jayon fell against his car, getting the strength to stand back up.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I screamed, pushing Carl with all my might, watching him as he struggled for balance.

The cars behind us just continued to swivel and honk on the busy street. I was surprised no police cars had been on this street by now. 

I seen Adrian look from the car, he didn't move though. He simply stared at me the whole time. I almost cursed at him for not trying to help me with his obviously drug induced father.

It was clear Carl took drugs. It was clear he drank as well, because the amount of extra he was being tonight towards Jayon was unbelievable.

"Get in my car," Jayon demanded me, finally opening his car door.

I obeyed, pacing myself to the other side of the car. He unlocked my door, and I rushed to sit on his leather passenger seat, slamming the door as he started up his engine once more.

Carl stood up completely. Out side of Jayon's car, it looked like he had picked up a rock. He was about to bust open Jayon's window if he didn't back away from him.

"Jayon!" I yelled, tears coming down my face.

The moment Carl had tried to break Jayon's window, the car had moved back. Carl didn't chase after it, surprisingly. He threw it back on the ground, and we watched as he made his way back to his truck. Adrian still stared out the back window, a tear falling from one side of his eye.

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