Chapter 1

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Esmé was trying not to worry as she arrived at her new school. The academy was huge and she got a lot of looks from girls who were practicing flying outside. Miss Avocet was leading her inside the tall doors by the gates around the Ymbryne academy. She was a late starter, having just escaped the home of her father and not being able to handle her power very well.

Miss Avocet gave her a tour. "In the west wing we have numerous dormitories. Each of our girls get their own room. And our teachers chambers, offices, and classrooms are located in the east wing. This is the dining area. We all eat together at exactly 7pm every single night. Curfew is at 9pm. And we wake at 6am. Time is a very important thing to ymbrynes. It is expected of all our students never to be late."

"Yes ma'am." Esmé says softly and she led her down the hallway towards the classrooms.

"Each class will be teaching specific subjects from loops to time manipulation and you will report to your designated classrooms on time every day. There is a library down the hallway in case you need anything from there." She explains and hands her a card. "Here is your library card."

Esmé nodded and tucked it into her pocket. "We've assigned our best student to assist you through your first few days here. She will show you to your dorm, walk you through your schedule, and answer any questions you may have." Miss Avocet said as she approached a girl who had her nose in a book. The ymbryne cleared her throat to get her attention. "This is Alma Peregrine."

Esmé felt her chest swell for a moment when she caught the girls eye, seeing the striking blue in her hair and eyes as she gave the woman a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Esmé Gyr." She says quietly with a small smile, a faint pink spreading across her cheeks.

"It's wonderful to meet you." Alma smiled at her as Miss Avocet dismissed herself. "Gyr's are falcons aren't they?" She asked.

"Yes." Esmé says and when Alma stood up, she noticed how she was taller.

"I've read a few books in the library about different birds. Gyr falcons are definitely a pretty one." She says with a smile. "Let me show you to your room, I can take your bag for you if you'd like."

"It's alright. I can handle it." Esmé said, not wanting to make Alma carry her bag. Alma smiled at her and led her to her room.

"This is your dorm. Funnily enough mine is just next door. If you have any questions you can always ask me. And if I'm not there I'm probably in the library or practicing my abilities on the lawn."

"Alright, thank you." Esmé says with a small smile.

"How old are you? We may have some classes together as well." Alma says with a small smile.

"17." Esmé says with a small smile.

"Im 19. May I help you unpack?" She asked, wanting to be of assistance to the girl.

"It's alright, I should be fine." She says with a nervous look. Everything felt so big, she wasn't used to it.

Alma seemed to sense her nerves. "Everyone is nervous their first day here, you'll get used to it, I'm sure and you seem wonderful. I'd like to be your friend." She smiled warmly at her.

"Really?" Esmé said confused. She wasn't expecting anyone to really want to get to know her, especially on her first day.

"You seem really nice." Alma nodded. Suddenly a girl rushed over to them, colliding with Alma and kissing her cheek.

"Isabel, not right now." Alma says with a stiff smile. "I'm trying to show her around."

"You never do anything with me." Isabel says under her breath. "Fine, I'll leave you two be. Dinner will be finished soon." She says and walks off.

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