Chapter 7

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It was time for the last class of the day and Esmé was nervous for her turn to go through the flying course. She talked to Balenciaga for a bit in her last class and the girl tried to calm Esmés nerves, but they were still there.

"What if I fall again?" Esmé panicked.

"You'll be fine! You practiced with Alma, didn't you?"

"I did, but I'm still worried. Ever since I came here it's been non stop failing. I'm tired of it." Esmé says quietly and Balenciaga frowned a bit, looking over towards the courtyard.

"I have to go, but you'll be great, I know it." She says with a small smile and Esmé returned it.

Esmé nodded and hugged her. "Thank you. Sorry."

"It's okay." She said gently, taking her hands in hers. "You'll do amazing."

Esmé couldn't help the small blush in her cheeks and Balenciaga smiled before heading off to her class. On the way to the courtyard, Esmé wasn't expecting to be slammed in to a hug by Alma.

"How you feeling about this? I'm excited! I know we'll do great! You did amazing during practice. I think they're going alphabetically but it might be by volunteer." Alma said quickly, not realizing she began to ramble.

"I'm..fine." Esmé says with a weak smile and pulled away from the girl, needing to think. "I need to figure out how to do this." She mutters to herself and Alma overheard.

"Do you want me to go over it one more time with you?" Alma asked, but Esmé shook her head.

"I should be fine. If not, well, I don't think anyone will be surprised." Esmé says with a small smile.

"Well I think you'll do great." Alma said gently. Though it didn't ease Esmé's doubts very much.

"Alright, class, hurry along!" Miss Sparrow says and Esmé picked up her pace as they walked to the open part of the courtyard, trees surrounding the area.

"Would anyone like to go first?" She asked. No one raised their hands. "If no one offers I will be picking at random." Her eyes landed on Esmé.

But before she could speak Alma raised her hand. "I'll go."

"Alright, go ahead." She says and Alma walked up to where the start of the course is and took a deep breath, shifting before taking off.

Esmé watched in awe as Alma easily made her way through the course, having no trouble flying through the hoops or the sudden changes in direction.

Being the fastest bird in the academy, it wasn't difficult and she came back within a minute, landing on the ground smoothly before shifting back, hardly out of breath.

Everyone applauded and Esmé was only more nervous now. Thankfully another girl offered before Miss Sparrow chose her.

She watched her shift into a Robin and took off, not being as fast as Alma, but still doing very well.

No one offered to go next. Miss Sparrow picked on Esmé. "Why don't you go? I'm eager to see what you know."

"Me?" Esmé asks unsure and the mentor nods. Esmé shared a look with Alma and stepped up to where the start was, shifting thankfully without any difficulty. Though flying was going to be different.

Esmé took off, a bit shaky as she tried to fly through the course and despite being a rather fast bird she flew rather slowly.

Miss Sparrow watched as she flew carefully around the trees, Esmé grateful she didn't run into any was she went around the course and came back, taking a short moment to shift back. She sent a nervous look to her mentor who looked over the girl.

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