Chapter 28

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Esmé and Alma were catching up with their mentors in the parlor the next day when Evelyn walked in. "Hey, the kids are behaving poorly."

"Alright." Esmé sighs and stands, walking out of the parlor where Willow and Ember came running downstairs.

"Mom, she won't stop!" Ember says and Willow sends her a glare.

"She started it!"

"Calm down you two. What's going on?" Esmé said gently as she looked over them.

"Ember was calling me names!"

"Well you started it, dumbass!"

"Ember." Esmé says in a sharp tone and the girl went quiet. Willow looked away from her sister with her arms crossed.

"You two know you shouldn't be rude. Nor should you curse." Esmé said sternly, yet softly.


"No buts. Now apologize, both of you." Esmé says when she looked over when she heard Oliver losing his temper with Enoch upstairs. "Oliver Ayn Peregrine, get down here now!" She says and Alma stepped out of the parlor.

"What's going on?" She asked gently.

"I don't know, it's like all the children are at each other's throats." Esmé sighed.

Ayn noticed the two and smiled, Esmé feeling someone beside her and quickly looking over when suddenly her vision went completely black and she heard Ayn laugh beside her.

"Ayn, give them back!" Esmé said as she felt around blindly for the wight. "Ayn!" She yelled.

"Come and get them, birdie." She smirks and Esmé sent a furious look to whatever she was looking towards, hoping it was Ayn.

"Ayn, give them back. Now." Alma says firmly, not wanting the wight to break them.

"I'm just having a little fun." Ayn said, the smile evident in her voice.

"Ayn I need to see!" Esmé yelled.

"What's going on?" Miss Bluejay asked.

"Ayn, hand them over." Alma says firmly, trying to take them and the wight held it up so she couldn't reach it.

"Come and get them, birdie." Ayn says simply.

"Ayn, please give them back." Esmé says and heard a few more noises near by.

"I'll get them." Edgar says and Esmé jumped for a moment at the voice that appeared next to her, hearing her brother walk over to get them. Shortly after, she heard something break and immediately felt her stomach drop.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, I didn't think I'd break them." Ayn apologized.

"Ayn!" Esmé screamed as tears welled in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to break them!" Ayn says and Esmé heard someone picking up the frames. Alma looked them over, noticing only one lense was cracked and fell out. She carefully looked over them before handing them back to Esmé.

Esmé put them on, though only able to see from one eye now. "I- I don't-" Esmé said though was unable to finish her sentence.

Miss Sparrow looked at her confused and a bit concerned before Ayn walked over and Esmé sent her a glare.

"You already ruined enough, why don't you go ahead and break everything else while you're at it!" Esmé snaps.

"Hey I said I was sorry!"

"You always do Ayn!" Esmé snaps as her tears finally fell. "You came into my life and I am forever grateful you have, but the fact that you think an apology will fix the fact that you tried to kill me. You came into my home and continuously kept coming on to me and I haven't said anything! I've dealt with how you act for this long and I was so upset when you were gone and this is how you act when you can finally be here again?"

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