Chapter 37

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"Hey love, what if we brought all the children for a picnic on the beach?" Esmé asked her wife with a smile.

"Sure darling, you should put your swimsuit on when we go." Alma says with a small smirk.

"Oh please you just want to see me in a bikini." Esmé said with an eye roll.

"I'll wear one if you do." Alma smiled at her.

Esmé pondered it for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, I'll go change." She says, heading upstairs.

Alma smiled and went around to inform every one of the plan. The children were especially excited.

When she went upstairs to change while the children got ready, she felt her cheeks burn a bright red when she seen the woman in her navy blue two piece, her back facing her as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

Alma walked over and pressed herself against the woman's back, her nails digging into her hips. "Your backside looks amazing in this suit." She spoke softly in the younger woman's ear.

Esmé felt her cheeks burn and smirked a bit, feeling the older womans hand trail down to her behind, digging her nails in and Esmé gasped at the feeling.

"Alma! Hands off, go get ready." She says with a laugh, messing up the older womans hair.

"Alright, alright." Alma said, moving to grab a suit of her own before removing her clothes, paying no mind to the way Esmé stared.

She changed into a one piece, leaving the other woman thoroughly disappointed.

"You told me you would wear one!" Esmé says with false offense.

"I lied to get you to wear it." Alma says with a smile and chuckled. "I only own one."

"I swear I'm going to buy you a bikini." Esmé said with a glare.

"Oh please, this suit isn't very modest, you have plenty to stare at."

That was true, a large part of her cleavage was visible along with a low cut back.

Esmé blushed and sent her a look before glancing to get her towel, bending over and Alma used the chance to smack her from behind, Esmé straightening herself with a blush.

"Alma!" She scolded.

"You know you enjoyed it." Alma said with a playful smirk.

Esmé sent her a glare despite her blush and Alma pressed a gentle kiss on her cheek, her arm wrapping around her waist to pull her along.

Esmé didn't get the opportunity to put a shirt on overtop of her suit as Alma led her down the hall. Ayn whistled but quickly shut her mouth when Alma sent her a glare.

"Woah, hey hottie." Evelyn jokes, smiling at her before walking off. Esmé smiled, knowing she was kidding and walked over to help Willow with the strap on her one piece.

Alma continued downstairs to quickly prepare food for the picnic with the help of her mentors.

"Here I thought she didn't like showing her tits off." Ayn says, Alma choking on the smoke of her pipe at the comment.

"Keep that up and you're staying home." Alma glared at her. "Don't talk about her like that."

"What, it's true-" Ayn cut herself off when Miss Raven sent her a sharp look. The weight stiffled a laugh and walked off to meet with Balenciaga and Isabel.

Food was made quickly with the help and before long they were off to the beach. Ayn was at the back of the group on their walk, flirting with her girlfriends.

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