Chapter 10

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Esmé was in class with Balenciaga, unaware that Alma was in detention. She spoke to her for a bit until a student behind her tapped on her shoulder.

"Sad to find out your little girlfriend was hooking up with someone else?"

"What do you mean?" Esmé asked, confused.

"Alma." She says and Balenciaga raised an eyebrow.

"They aren't together." She says and the student sent them both a smug look.

"Then what's that under your lip?" She asks, pointing at Esmés bottom lip.

Esmé wiped her bottom lip finding lipstick came off on her finger. "That's little miss perfects signature color." The girl smirked.

Esmé felt her cheeks burn a bright red and Balenciaga sent the girl a look.

"So what if they are? Leave them alone." Balenciaga says and Esmé glared at the girl who only sneered at the two.

"And what's going on here?" Their teacher said, walking over.

"Esmé is hooking up with-!" One of the girls started.

"No I'm not!" Esmé yelled, cutting her off.

"Miss Gyr, you do not yell." The mentor says firmly and Esmé snapped.

"Oh shut up and let me think for once!" Esmé snaps and a silence fell over the room.

"Walk yourself down to detention." The mentor says firmly with a glare. "I will not tolerate your behavior."

Esmé didn't say anything as she left the room. She walked to the first detention room and entered it, finding Miss Raven and Alma there.

"Oh, hello dear. What do you need?" Miss Raven asks and Esmé looked at them confused.

"I got detention. What are you doing here?" She asks, looking at Alma.

"Miss Avocet gave me detention for being in a relationship with Isabel." Alma said bluntly. "What did you do?"

"Some girls were being mean about.. uh. Me wearing your lipstick. And I snapped at them."

"Miss Raven already knows." Alma says and Esmé felt her cheeks burn bright.

"Oh, okay." She says quietly. "Am I going to be here all day then?"

"I assume so but I can check with your teacher. You two sit tight, I'll be right back." Miss Raven said gently before leaving. As soon as she was gone Esmé rushed over to hug Alma tightly.

"Where is this coming from?" Alma asks and Esmé sighed when she pulled away.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. If I hadn't made her jealous then she wouldn't have gotten you both in trouble." Esmé says softly.

"No, it's alright. This ain't your fault." Alma said gently, hugging her again and pressing a kiss to her cheek, wiping her lipstick off with her thumb after.

Alma finished wiping it off, Esmés cheeks burning as she did and they both glanced over when they heard Miss Raven clear her throat, a knowing smile on her lips.

"Apologies for interrupting, but you both will be here sadly for the rest of the day. I'm filling in for the mentor who normally is here though." She says with a smile.

The moment Miss Raven turned around to go back to her seat at the front of the room Alma grabbed Esmé by the collar of her shirt and brought her in for a kiss.

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