Chapter 22

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"What do you mean?" Alma asked at the same time numerous children gasped, not knowing the ymbryne was dead.

"I mean that was her! I knew I recognized her voice!"

"How do you know for sure?" Miss Raven asks, Miss Bluejay a bit surprised to hear the news.

"She looked just like her. I've met her before I went to the academy. She wasn't a peculiar, but I always felt like she knew something." Esmé says softly as she paced the room thinking.

"What did she look like?" Miss Raven asked, curious, and probably planning to go kill her.

"Tall, brunette. Green eyes I think?" Esmé said, though it was more of a question.

"Hot." Ayn said.

"Ayn, zip it." Esmé snaps with a sharp glare.


"She killed my mentor and I don't want to hear one compliment about her." Esmé says in a sharp tone.

Ayn went quiet, realizing Esmé was upset. Esmé's mind was racing, she didn't know what to do with her new information.

The younger woman thought more, pacing the room deep in thought and Alma watched her closely.

"She had an issue with the council I'm pretty sure. That's right! With Miss Avocet. I lived down the block from her home before I left to the school and her daughter fell sick with a bad illness and when she wanted help, Miss Avocet paid her no mind, possibly since she was a normal. She must know about the peculiardom somehow if she's targeting ymbrynes for that reason."

"But ymbrynes frequent to her village due to how close it is to the academy. Who knows how many more she'll kill." Miss Bluejay said.

"I'm not quite sure if that's the reasoning though. I could be wrong." Esmé says, thinking more.

"Children, the adults need to talk. Please go to your rooms." Alma said gently. They begrudgingly obeyed and left the room.

"We can't just stand by and watch as she kills more ymbrynes." Miss Bluejay said.

"Maybe I could talk to her." Esmé says and everyone immediately chimed in. "No no, listen. She knows me, she's seen me before when I was little. I was friends with her daughter and..she knew the situation I was in with my father."

"But she also seen you trying to help Miss Sparrow." Alma points out.

"No, no, I have to at least try and talk to her. I've known her since I was a child." Esmé said.

"She held a gun to your head." Alma said, upset.

"Alma, she wouldn't have actually done that." Esmé says and the older woman sent her an upset glare.

"She shot your hand, Esmé." She emphasizes.

"Maybe she didn't recognize me, it's been years." Esme argued.

"What are you talking about? She could kill you!"

"Alma." Miss Raven says in a firm tone and the older woman backed off, growing quiet.

"She could have done worse." Esmé says.

"You said the same thing for Ayn and eventually she did kill you." Alma mentions and Ayn looked at her with a sharp glare.

"You know what, I might go with Esmé when she decides to leave to find her." Ayn mutters and Evelyn came downstairs, looking at them all confused when she felt the tension in the air.

"I'm talking to her. And you don't have to come with me, but you can't stop me." Esmé insisted.

Alma sighed. "At least let someone come with."

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