Chapter 30

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"Isabel! It's wonderful to see you." Esmé says with a smile, hugging the other ymbryne. Isabel was a bit surprised but returned it.

"Nice to see you too, it's been a while, how have you all been?" She asked, smiling a bit at the two.

"We've been alright." Alma says softly casting Esmé a quick glance.

"Miss Raven and our other mentors showed up here about a week ago." Esmé mentions.

"May I see them?" Isabel asks. "It's been so long. And don't get me wrong, I missed you both but... I would love to see them again."

"Of course." Esmé smiles and takes her hand, pulling her gently along to the garden.

Isabel tried to ignore the touch as she followed Esmé outside. Their mentors were there, along with Ayn and a few children.

"Miss Sparrow?" Esmé says to gain her attention and the mentor glanced over, smiling when she seen the other girl.

"Isabel, hello darling." She smiled at her, standing and walking over to her. Ayn looked over quickly when she heard Isabel's name.

Esmé sent the wight a glance, knowing Ayn was thinking probably nothing good considering the last they seen each other they went a bit overboard.

Isabel ignored the wight as she hugged her old mentors. "I've missed you three."

Ayn stood up and left, she didn't want to be around Isabel. It brought up complicated and confusing emotions.

Esmé snuck off from the four to see what was going on with Ayn, a bit confused.

"Ayn, is something wrong?"

"I- I don't know." Ayn sighed. The last time she saw Isabel they hooked up. And ever since she's had confusing emotions about her. She missed Isabel, she had to admit.

"Do you want to say hi? I'm sure she missed you too." Esmé says softly.

"Doubt it. She probably just thinks it was a one night stand." Ayn mutters and walked over to Alma in the kitchen. "Can I make tea?"

"Of course. Is something wrong?" Alma asked gently. Ayn just shrugged as she filled the kettle.

Esmé walked into the kitchen and surprised the woman when she wrapped her arms around her from behind, hugging her tight. Ayn tensed for a moment but when she seen Alma didn't mind, she relaxed.

"I think she missed you too." Esmé said gently to her.

"She didn't even look at me, Esmé." Ayn sighed.

"Ayn, she's probably just put on the spot. Her mentors were there and she was distracted and more than likely, she was unsure how you felt around her. It didn't help that you walked out of the room." Esmé points out in a gentle tone.

"You're right, I messed up." Ayn groaned. "I don't know what to do."

"Once she's done speaking to the mentors, both of you should talk for a bit. It's been a while." Esmé says softly, pulling away from the wight, but as soon as she did Ayn brought her back into a tight hug.

"And I thought Alma was the one with good advice." She mutters and Esmé laughed at the older woman's glare.

"I do give good advice!"

"Yes you do, but Ayn likes me more." Esmé grinned and stuck her tongue out at the older woman.

Ayn chuckled and left the room, going upstairs. She wanted to have a quick word with Balenciaga before Isabel came back inside.

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