Chapter 27

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"Why would you let her come here?!" Miss Sparrow scolded. "There are so many ymbrynes staying here!"

Esmé didn't say anything, shocked to even see her.

"You come face to face with the woman who shot me and your first thought was to bring her here? Esmé, you know better!" She says and noticed the shocked look on the woman's face.

"MISS SPARROW!" Esmé screamed and lunged at her. She hugged her tightly, despite being scolded by her moments ago.

Alma heard the noise and went downstairs, stopping in her tracks when she seen the woman holding on to her old mentor tight. Miss Sparrow was surprised at first but gave in, hugging her back.

"I thought I wouldn't see you ever again." Esmé says with a small cry, Miss Sparrow gently running her talons through her hair.

"I'm here, it's okay honey." She said gently as she held her.

"I'm sorry." Esmé said as she tried to hold in her tears.

"No, don't apologize. You just found me at a not so great time."

"I lost Miss Raven and then I lost you all because I wanted to go for a stupid fly-"

"Don't think like that." Miss Sparrow says firmly, pulling away to look at her and glanced over to see her old friends in the parlor.

"Allie!" Miss Bluejay yelled excitedly, rushing over to hug her.

"Emily!" She grinned as she hugged the other ymbryne tightly.

"I missed you two so much!" Miss Sparrow says, giving Miss Raven a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in years."

"I know! Oh it's so good to see you." She smiled as she finally let go of her. Alma took her chance to ram into the ymbryne.

Miss Sparrow chuckled as she stumbled back a bit, hugging her back.

"Oh I missed my darlings so much." She says softly with a smile.

"You should've visited!" Alma said as tears filled her eyes. "We missed you so much- I missed you."

"Oh darling, I wanted to but I've been so caught up in things. I'm sorry my death had to be the first thing you've seen from me in years." She says softly and then casted her gaze to Esmé who couldn't help the tears that fell. "And I heard you are head of the council now?"

Esmé nodded with a smile, wiping her tears. "I'm so proud of you!" She grinned at her. "See, I knew you were going to grow to be an amazing young woman."

Esmé couldn't help but start crying even more at the words and Miss Sparrow sent her a small smile, holding out her other arm and Esmé didn't waste a second before hugging her mentor tight.

"If we're gonna hug so long why don't we sit down?" Miss Sparrow offered.

Esmé hugged her even tighter and her mentor let out a small laugh.

"Dear, you're going to have to let go of me so I can sit down." Miss Sparrow says gently with a smile when Alma pulled away, gently pulling her wife away from their mentor.

Miss Sparrow sat down on the largest couch in the parlor and held out her arms for the two. They quickly moved to sit on either side of her.

"Now what all have I missed?" Miss Sparrows asks with a small smile and Esmé went to say something when Oliver came into the room.

"Mom, Ayns being mean." He says, sending a glare to the wight who just came downstairs.

Miss Sparrow sat shocked for a moment. "One, you have a kid? And two, is that a wight?!"

"Nice to meet you too. I assume hot ass here didn't introduce me as usual." Ayn says with a playful smile when Esmé glared at her.

"Mom! Ember won't listen! She keeps trying to pull my hair." Willow says coming downstairs, the bird flying after her.

"Ember, knock it off!" Alma scolded as Willow ran into her arms.

"Why's everyone screaming?" Ollie asked.

"Alright, slow down, all of you." Esmé says feeling a bit overwhelmed and looked down at Willow who was in Almas arms. "What's Austin and Eliza up to?"

"Eliza is with Miranda." Ollie says and Austin shortly came into the room, quietly walking over to his mother and Esmé lifted the boy into her lap.

"This place is busy, huh?" Miss Sparrow chuckled. "So you two have children? Are you finally married? Who asked who?"

"Well we should start at the beginning." Alma smiles.

"You scared the birds out of me when you did propose, I thought for sure she was breaking up with me." Esmé says and Alma chuckles. "It's been over a decade we've been married."

"Mom says I was a miracle. I'm not quite sure why though." Willow shrugs and Alma gently ran her hand through the girls hair.

"Why don't you run along with your siblings." She says softly with a smile and the girl nods, moving out of her mother's lap, Austin following after her.

"Children." Ollie said with a chuckle, rolling his eyes.

"Aye I remember having to babysit you, you're still a child!" Ayn said with a smile.

"No you're just old!" He stuck his tongue out at her.

"You take that back!" Ayn says with a dramatic gasp.

"Oliver." Esmé says in a scolding tone with a slight smile and the boy sighs.

"Fine, I'm leaving." He says and walks off.

"Did you have all of them? They all look so much like you both, I'd be surprised if you adopted." Miss Sparrow says.

"I had Ollie and Willow. Alma had Ember. But our other children were adopted." Esmé smiled proudly. "We love them all so much."

"You haven't been head of council for that long. What did people think of such a family before then?" Miss Sparrow asked.

"Well.." Esmé trails off, thinking of what happened to Miss Avocet and numerous fights that occurred during her time fighting for that position. "It was..interesting. There's a lot to catch up on, would you like some tea?"

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