Chapter 75

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"Ready to go fly?" Alma asked her wife with a smile.

"I guess." Esmé says nervously. Her wounds were still healing and she was nervous about them hurting more.

"You're going to do amazing." Alma said gently. "I'm sure of it."

"Flying as a harpy is a lot harder than a bird, though." Esmé said.

"Well you can't doubt yourself when you don't know yet." Alma says with a  small smile.

"I'm still nervous." Esmé said with a sigh.

"You'll do just fine. Spread your wings out for a moment." Alma says softly and Esmé did so.

Alma looked them over then smiled at Esmé. "Aright you've been doing this for years. Just try and take off. Don't worry about anything other than getting off the ground right now."

Esmé took a moment to figure it out. Her wings were sideways, they were to her side now and it was uncomfortable trying to figure out how to move them.

She managed to get them in the position to flap them a few times. She managed to get a couple feet off the ground before falling back down.

"That's alright, a good first try." Alma encourages, taking her hands. "Try again."

"I'm not so sure." Esmé said, feeling discouraged.

"Don't worry, you've got this. Just pay attention to me." Alma says softly, smiling when she met her eyes.

Esmé took a small deep breath and took off again, staying up a bit longer this time.

"You're doing great lovely." Alma said with an encouraging smile. "I'll catch you if you fall, alright? Try and stay up a bit longer."

"Bet ya say the same thing in bed."

Esmé blushed and faltered, tripping over her foot when she landed.

"Ayn!" Alma scolds, looking over.

"Sorry, sorry!" Ayn said with a smile, leaving to go back inside.

Esmé stood up, brushing the dirt of her pants with a sigh before walking over and laying her forehead against the older woman's chest.

"Hey, it's alright, you got this." Alma said as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Is it time for bed yet?" Esmé mumbles against her coat and Alma smiled a bit.

"Darling it's only after lunch."

"I'm just tired. This is too hard. I can't do it." She sighed.

"Yes you can, darling." Alma said softly.

"Can we go sit in the parlor?" Esmé asks, looking up at her with a playful pout.

"Alright fine, but you're going to try again later. Okay?" Alma said gently.

Esmé rolled her eyes before lifting the woman in her arms, Alma caught off guard and wrapped her arms around the younger woman's neck to keep herself up.

"I love you." Esmé said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I love you more." Alma said happily.

"Impossible, I do." Esmé says, bringing her wings in to go through the door way.

"Not possible, darling." Alma teases with a smile and suddenly Esmé shoved her on to the couch, her hand gently on the woman's throat and blocked them with her wings.

"I love you more and that's final." She says in a husky tone by the woman's ear before pulling away.

Alma looked at her surprised as her cheeks turned a bright red, the most Esmé has seen her flustered and the younger woman laughed.

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