Chapter 63

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"Ayn, would you please talk to me?" Alma asked, trying to remain calm.

The wight didn't say anything, her arms wrapped around her as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Alma noticed and took a seat next to her, looking over her carefully.

"Hey, it's just us. I won't get upset and no one else is around. You can tell me anything." Alma said gently.

Ayn just shook her head as she tried not to let her face fall, her vision blurring from the tears that built in her eyes.

Alma brought the wight into her arms and hugged her gently. "It's okay, Ayn. It's alright." She said softly.

"I hate myself." The woman said under her breath before her tears fell and Alma gently hugged her tight, running her talons through her hair.

"Why is that?" Alma asked, wanting more information but also not wanting to be pushy.

"I was talking to Isabel earlier and she started arguing and said she never should have fell for a wight since we're all the same." Ayn says quietly.

"Why on earth would she say that?" Alma asked sadly.

"We were arguing because I've been confused on how she's felt in this relationship shit." Ayn says and wiped her tears away. "I just- I don't like being compared to the other wights. I'm not like them, am I?" She asks, looking over at Alma.

"Ayn you're nothing like them." Alma said gently. "You're amazing and sweet and you're not anything like most wights."

Ayn went quiet and looked down at the floor.

"I shouldn't have said what I did to Esmé." Ayn says quietly.

"I'll admit what you said was wrong, but that doesn't make you like other wights. Or a terrible person."

"I threatened her, Alma." Ayn says, her eyes tearing up.

"But you understand what you did was wrong." Alma points out.

"It doesn't make up for it." Ayn cried. "And now Isabel left me and I made Balenciaga cry."

"Go talk to her, Ayn. You have to talk these things out and find a solution." Alma says gently. "I know it's difficult, but you have to try."

"What if she's still mad though?" Ayn asked, tears running down her face. Alma wiped away one of her tears with her thumb, looking at Ayn gently.

"She might be at first, but you have to talk it out. If you don't, they won't know how you feel and that can worsen the situation." Alma says softly and a small silence fell between the two. Suddenly the ymbryne heard the phone ring.

"Thank you." Ayn said as the ymbryne want to leave.

"Anytime." Alma says with a small smile and quietly walked downstairs as the children were asleep. She picked up the phone in a pleasant mood, but not when she heard Esmé talk into the phone, her voice shaking as though she was crying.

"Esmé, what's wrong, are you okay?" Alma asked, worried for her.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up? I didn't know if you were up or not." Esmé says quietly, her voice shaking. She couldn't sleep that night, too many nightmares.

"No I was talking to Ayn. Are you alright, what happened?" Alma asked, worried.

"I'm being stupid, I'm sorry." Esmé says quietly and Alma gently shushed her.

"No, you're not. I told you to call me. What happened? Do you want me to come get you?" Alma asks.

"No it was just a nightmare. Is everyone alright?" She asked, clearly still crying though she was calming down a bit.

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