Chapter 79

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"Here, you need to eat."

Esmé looked over and seen the older woman gently set down a bowl of fruit.

Esmé picked up a few blueberries and popped them into her mouth. "Thank you."

"Of course. You need to keep track of yourself, make sure you're eating." She says and the woman nods, taking a small bite of a strawberry.

Alma pressed a kiss to the top of her head and sat down beside her.

"How are you feeling?" She says, gently preening some of the feathers on her wings.

"Pretty tired." Esmé admitted, leaning into her wife's side. "They keep kicking, it's getting a bit painful."

"Maybe you should try resting when they settle down." Alma says gently, running a hand over her stomach and pulling back when she felt a kick.

"I think they just want your attention." Esmé says with a smile.

Alma smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to the younger woman's belly. "I love you, my sweetheart." She said softly.

Esmé winced slightly when she felt a kick, smiling when the older woman gently placed a kiss on her lips.

"That baby needs to go easier on you, so rude." Alma said, giving the baby bump a scolding look.

"She's just excited." Esmé says with a small chuckle, leaning her forehead against her wife and groaned when she felt another kick.

"Want to cuddle?" Alma asked her with a smile. Esmé nodded happily and brought her into her wings, holding her closely.

"I'm ready to hug you again." Esmé says, her baby bump getting in the way when she tried to and Alma chuckled.

"I think more people are starting to notice." Alma said gently. "It's been going well, no complications so far. Maybe we should tell everyone."

"I don't know." Esmé says softly, nervously playing with her wife's fingers. Alma looked over her carefully, Esmé catching her gaze when she felt it.

"We don't have to. I just don't want anyone to get upset should we not tell them." Alma sighed.

"No no, you're right, we should." Esmé says softly and Alma gently tilted her chin up.

"We can wait a bit longer if you'd like." Alma said softly. She didn't want to force anything.

"No, it's okay." Esmé says with a small smile, resting her hands on top of the woman's.

"We could at dinner tonight." Esmé suggested.

"Only if you're ready to do so." Alma says gently and Esmé smiled, pressing a kiss on her cheek.

"Yeah I think so." Esmé said with a small smile.

"Look here." The younger woman did so, looking up when the older woman cupped her face in her hands.

"Hm?" Esmé hummed as she looked up at her.

A small silence fell and the younger woman looked at her confused before a smile spread across her wife's lips.

"I swear every day I fall further in love with you."

"Really?" She asked with a smile.

"Really." Alma said, holding her close.

"I love you." Esmé says softly and Alma pressed a deep kiss against her lips and smiled.

"I love you more my love."

"Ew, you both are so sappy." Oliver says and Charlie giggles.

"I think it's cute." She says and Esmé blushed with a small smile.

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