Chapter 23

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Esmé smiled at the wight as they walked back to the house. "Still haven't taken the contacts out." She pointed out as she looked up at her.

"Well, I thought I'd surprise Edgar." She shrugs. "I don't wear them often anyways."

Esmé smiled and gently pulled her along with her by the hand, opening the door and Eliza gasped.

"DID EVELYN GET HER PECULIARITY BACK?!" She says excited, noticing her eyes.

"Pfff, do dear, they're contacts." Evelyn smiled at her. "I want to surprise my boyfriend is all."

When Esmé glanced over and seen Alma come out of the room, she felt her heart hurt when the woman didn't say much, still clearly tense from earlier but managed to send her a gentle look.

Esmé, feeling guilty for more than one reason, rushed over and kissed her wife. Alma was surprised and kissed her back.

Esmé said nothing as she hugged her tight, wrapping her legs around her waist and Alma held her up, looking up at her confused.

"What was that for?" She asked with a small confused smile.

"I'm sorry." Esmé said as she fought her tears. "I'm sorry I fought you on that and I'm sorry I left."

Alma hugged her tight, gently pressing a small kiss on her collarbone as she held her up. Alma went to reply when Esmé looked up when she seen her brother fall down the steps.

She laughed at him after seeing he was alright and hid her face back in Alma's shoulder.

"Don't laugh at me!" He says with a playful scowl. "Evelyn, she's being mean to me!" He says and then suddenly his cheeks turned a bright red when he seen his wife.

"Your eyes..." He said surprised as he stared at her. He blushed as he walked over to her, observing her face.

Esmé watched the two until Alma suddenly pressed a light kiss to her lips, the younger woman smiling slightly against them. Alma set her back down and Esmé went to her office, getting a piece of paper out.

Alma followed her, leaning against the doorframe. "What are you getting up to?" She asked with a smile.

"I was able to talk Orchid into getting some help. It's not right what she did, but I feel awful for what happened to her." Esmé explains. "I'm mailing to her to see if she can come here."

"Do you think that's a good idea considering we have five ymbrynes here currently?"

"We talked, she won't." Esmé said gently. "Please, trust me?" Alma hesitated before nodding.

"Alright, darling."

Esmé felt her heart beam at the term of endearment but tried not to show it as she continued writing.

Alma smiled having noticed it. She grinned at the younger woman and walked over. "I love you, sweetie." She said gently.

"I love you too." Esmé says softly with a small smile, Alma wrapping her arms around her waist from behind and propping her chin on her shoulder as she watched her write.

Alma kissed Esmé's cheek, peppering her face in kisses. "I love you."

"I love you too, dork." Esmé says with a smile, looking back down to try and write but Alma kept placing kisses gently up her neck. "I'm trying to write, love."

"Let me adore my wife." She said gently as she held her. Esmé laughed and leaned further against her.

She finished writing and got an envelope to put it in, pulling away to go mail it when suddenly she felt the woman smack her behind, hard. She looked over, blushing and Alma smiled innocently.

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