Chapter 8

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Julia met Esmé and Alma at breakfast, Balenciaga joining them a bit later. Esmé pulled Julia to the side and spoke nervously to her. "So- um- Julia I have a question for you."

"Yes?" She asks and Alma kept her gaze to her food, secretly eavesdropping. She knew deep down if Julia stood her up and was harsh about it, she was not going to have it.

"Would you like to- go out with me?" Esmé asked, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

"Yes!" Julia said immediately.

Esmé felt her cheeks turn a bright red, a bit surprised.

"Really?" She asks, unsure if Julia meant it.

"Of course! Wait till my friends here about this." She smiles and Esmé sent her an uneasy look.

"Could you wait just a little? I don't want news getting out, especially to the mentors." Esmé says.

Julia didn't love the idea but agreed to wait before telling anyone. Esmé thanked her.

"Maybe we could have a sort of date in your room tonight?" Julia suggested.

Alma didn't like the sound of that and faltered for a moment, glancing at the girl with a suspicious look.

"Already?" Esmé says and seen the girls look. "Alright, yes, that works." She says with a nervous smile, a small blush filling her cheeks.

Alma sent Julia a glare as she sat back down. And for the first time Julia returned it.

Esmé looked down at her food, a bit unsure how she felt after saying that to Julia but she snapped out of it when the bell rang.

"I'll see you this afternoon." Julia says and then smirks. "And in bed later." She says and walks off. Esmé blushed but felt a little uncomfortable as she walked to her first class with Alma.

"What did she say?" Alma said, pretending as though she wasn't listening.

"Nothing important." Esmé says softly and gently brushed her hand against Almas hand. "I'm a bit nervous about tonight." She says quietly as they walked to Miss Canarys class.

"You'll be fine." Alma said gently, taking Esmé's hand in yours. "If you need help for any reason tonight, knock on the wall connecting our rooms. I'll come save you."

"I don't need saving." Esmé jokes, but still was uneasy and Alma noticed. She gently took her by the waist, subconsciously tightening her grip when she passed Isabel in the hall.

But Isabel ignored them and continued down the hall. Alma was confused by that but it's not like she was complaining.

She brought Esmé alongside her until they reached the classroom, heading to their table.

Miss Canary sent Alma a look, noticing the way she was holding onto the younger girl. Alma quickly let her arm fall.

Class went by painfully slow but eventually the bell rang, Esmé packing up her things before leaving the room alongside Alma, heading with her to their next class. She glanced over when Julia came down the hallway, sending her a small smile and the girl returned it.

Alma didn't seem to happy to be seeing Julia but she ignored her for the most part, continuing on to their next class.

Esmé and her talked for a little bit when they finished their work early, the bell soon ringing for lunch and she found it strange no one has messed with her yet. Though she wasn't complaining. Alma found it odd and stuck by the girls side, sending glares at anyone who bothered to even look at her the wrong way.

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