Chapter 12

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A few days later Esmé was mostly healed but Alma was still looking after her. Esmé woke up alone in bed. She looked around for Alma but didn't see her in the room.

With a small yawn, she got out of bed, stretching her arm carefully and satisfied when only a small ache remained.

Esmé assumed Alma had left to go to breakfast early and began changing. She had her shirt off when the bathroom door opened and Alma walked out.

Esmé didn't hear her at first and went to change her pants when she heard someone clear her throat and glanced over to see a very red faced Alma.

"Oh!" Esmé said, shocked. She panicked for a moment before grabbing a shirt and holding it in front of her. "Um. I didn't realize you were here. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize." Alma says, forcing her gaze to move off to the wall, her mind freezing up for a moment. "I finished getting dressed, I'll go get us some tea before class."

"Okay." Esmé said, blushing. She wanted her good morning kiss, but it seemed bad to ask for if she wasn't wearing a shirt.

Alma seen her hesitation and walked over, forcing her eyes up as she pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, tilting her chin up for a moment, before leaving the room.

Esmé smiled as she watched her leave. She felt safe around the older girl. She finished changing quickly so she could get back to Alma's side.

Once she was ready she rushed out of the room, running into Miss Raven on the way out and the older woman smiled at the girl.

"Are you feeling better today, darling?" She asked gently. Esmé grinned and nodded. "I'm glad." She said, bringing her into a short gentle hug. "What's got you so chipper?"

"Nothing." She replies but the ymbryne noticed the small pink that filled her cheeks and chuckled.

"If you say so." She says gently, glancing over when Miss Avocet approached her, a bit worried.

"Run off and go see Alma. I'll talk to you later." Esmé nodded and rushed off as Miss Avocet approached Miss Raven. "Can I help you, Esmerelda?"

"Do not let any word out, but there's been news a wight has entered near the academy." Miss Avocet says and Miss Raven looked at her concerned.

"Shouldn't we tell the children? Cancel classes and keep them inside?" She asked, worried.

"The other mentors are at the breakfast room telling students they have the day off. We have to figure out where the wight is located first." Miss Avocet says.

While they were talking Alma and Esmé decided to use their newfound free time to go for a fly, not knowing that it could be dangerous to go outside.

"You're sure you're ready to fly?" Alma asks and Esmé nods, shifting to prove her point. She spread her wings out a few times and chirped as she lifted herself off the ground.

Alma chuckled and shifted as well, taking off to fly around. Miss Bluejay had seen them out the window and rushed outside to get them back in.

"Alma! Esmé!" The mentor shouts, shifting to catch up with the two birds when they didn't hear her.

She flew over to them and squawked loudly. The two seemed confused and were unsure of what she was trying to say.

Alma shifted and landed carefully on the ground, Esmé perching on the ground before shifting herself. Miss Bluejay did the same, taking both of them by the elbow and leading them quickly inside.

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