Chapter 85

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"What do you want?" Esmé asked, looking at him with a slight glare.

"The fuck happened to your face?"

"Is that any of your business?" She snapped, trying to pull her hand back when she felt something cold climb up her arm and she couldn't move it. She glanced down, her wings shivering when she seen the frost.

"What is this." Esmé said, trying again to pull her hand away. "This is your peculiarity?"

She felt her knees buckle when it reached her throat, feeling as if the wind was knocked out of her. The boy glared her down as he moved his hand to her chin, holding her head up right, his nails digging into her skin as she tried to move her hands but she couldn't.

"Stop- plea-" she managed before it reached her lips and she could no longer speak. She maneuvered her wings, trying to push him away.

She felt her wings start to tremble as they grew stiff, her teeth slightly chattering as she felt her eyes wanting to shut. She didn't hear Evelyn coming downstairs or Ayn going after him, the boy grabbing her wrist and knocking her down before Evelyn grabbed a hold of him.

Ayn pinned him to the ground, keeping her there and demanding he fixed Esmé.

"Esmé, can you hear me?" Evelyn asked as the woman slowly defrosted.

Her teeth were chattering slightly and a chill ran through her, Evelyn looking down and seeing the faint blue hue on her fingers. The boy ran out of Ayns hold and went upstairs, the younger woman immediately trying to get up.

"Odette!" She yelled, worried for her daughter. She tried her best to move but it was still difficult.

"I got it." Ayn said as she ran by her, going upstairs.

"Esmé, sit down in the parlor. Let me get you some blankets." Evelyn says but the younger woman pushed past her to go upstairs.

"Esmé." Evelyn scolded. But she didn't listen. She had to get back upstairs to her daughter.

She heard a loud noise from in her room, opening the door and seeing Ayn had given Alma her crossbow. She seen Odette on the bed, upset but well and let out a sigh, slowly sitting down on the floor with a shiver.

"Is he dead?" Esmé asked, not sure what answer she wanted.

"Barely breathing." Alma said, kicking him in the shin, drawing a pained moan from him. He had two arrows embedded in his stomach. And another not far off of his heart.

Esmé brought her wings around her, moving painfully slow because of how stiff they were, trying to warm herself.

"I'll take care of him and get you some tea. Alma and you focus on Odette." Ayn says, picking him up by the collar of his sweatshirt and hauling him along, the teen boy sending her a hard glare.

Ayn hauled him outside and tossed him to the ground, not caring if it harmed him.

Alma helped her wife up from the floor, seeing how blue her lips and hands were and had her sit down with Odette. She gently ran her fingers through the girls wings, calming her down as Alma went to the closet to get blankets.

"What is wrong with him." Alma said upset, bringing Esmé closer to her and wrapping a blanket tightly around her.

She felt her wings shivering against her and seen Evelyn come back up with tea and a thick quilt, sitting the tea on the nightstand and draping another blanket around her.

"Warm enough?" Evelyn asks, Esmé leaning her forehead against the wight to keep her  face warm.

"Still cold." Esmé muttered. "Can't believe he'd do that." She said with a sigh.

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