Chapter 40

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"Hey there." Alma smiled at Esmé, who'd just woken up and was laying beside her.

"Hi." She says softly with a smile but looked at the girl again. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"I can't believe you didn't tell me what today is." Alma says with a playful glare, Esmé raising an eyebrow confused.


"Your birthday!" Alma said with a mock pout. "And you didn't tell me!"

"That's today?" Esmé asks confused and looked over at the calendar beside her bed. "Oh."

"You didn't know?" Alma asked with the small frown.

"I've never really celebrated my birthday." Esmé shrugged.

"Well you are today, up up up!" Alma says as she swats the woman off the bed.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!"

"Good, now get dressed in something nice. I'll do your hair!" Alma said happily.

"Why are you so excited?" Esmé asks with an amused smile as she gathered up an outfit to go change in the bathroom.

"Because after school I'm taking you out." Alma said with a grin. Esmé blushed at the wording.

Alma noticed and felt her own cheeks burn.

"Not like that! Just two..friends going out for a bit." Alma says with an awkward smile.

"Well... it could be a date." Esmé muttered as she moved to grab her nicest outfit from her wardrobe, one of Alma's.

"What was that?" Alma asks, her breath catching and her heart leaping at what she thought she heard.

"Nothing." Esmé replies and Alma felt that excitement diminish.

"Turn around please." Esmé said as she grabbed the outfit. Alma did so, turning around and looking to the ground.

The girl quickly changed and caught the older girls attention by sitting in her lap with a smile.

"You wanted to do my hair?"

"Yes!" Alma said happily, brushing her fingers through her hair. "So pretty." She said quietly, Esmé barely hearing her.

The younger girl smiled at her gentle touch, enjoying the feeling. Alma carefully started braiding her hair, accidently tugging hard for a moment and Esmé let out a quiet noise.

"Sorry." Alma said gently, blushing a bit at the noise.

"It's okay." Esmé said, a bit embarrassed.

They were both quiet for a long moment before Alma broke the silence. "I love you." She said gently. Though Esmé didn't realize to what extent.

"Love you too." She replies, unsure as Alma finished braiding it, tying it off with a hair tie of hers.

"Gorgeous." Alma said with a smile as she looked over the younger girl. Esmé smiled and blushed, moving closer to Alma. She wrapped her arms around the older girls neck, looking over her face gently.

Alma felt her cheeks warm as the younger girl gently ran her thumb over her cheek, smiling a bit. She went to move off her when Alma didn't let go for a second longer, though it wasn't noticible.

Esmé looked over her for another moment before leaning in and kissing her gently. Alma melted into it, kissing her back.

Without thinking, the older girl brought her down on the bed, kissing her deeper and Esmé felt that similar odd feeling rise in her stomach, smiling against her lips.

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