Chapter 32

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Alma had tried to talk to Esmé but the younger woman had been avoiding her. Alma spoke to Isabel about what had happened, but the older ymbryne could offer no advice.

Ayn found out, she wasn't too upset though knowing that Alma was just drunk but Evelyn was rather uptight when she found out.

Evelyn sought Esmé out and found her in the greenhouse. She hugged the younger woman gently. "I'm sorry. She shouldn't have done that."

"I really don't care, it's fine, let go." She says and Evelyn listened, pulling away. She seen the younger woman was busy gardening, the time passing habit coming back.

"Maybe you should take a break." Evelyn says softly.

"I haven't been out here that long."

"You've been out here for 2 hours." Miss Sparrow says, walking over to the two. "You're sweating and have dirt on you, take a break and go shower."

"I don't want to go back inside." Esmé said, upset as she continued working on her flowers.

"You can't avoid it forever, Esmé." Miss Sparrow said gently. "You should see Alma, she's beating herself up over it."

"Good." Esmé said bluntly.

"Esmé!" Evelyn says surprised and the younger woman looked up at them both.

"What? I got hell when I did the same to you and she didn't say much to me. Maybe if she'd stop talking to the oh perfect and wonderful Isabel, she'd actually talk to me!" She snaps, stabbing the spade into the soil before growing quiet, standing and walking away from the two to go shower.

Esmé glared at Alma who was in their room. When she went to say something Esmé interrupted her. "Don't bother."

"Esmé please, we need to talk." Alma said sadly.

"Talk about what, when you want to get divorced so you can run off with Isabel?" Esmé glared at her.

"Esmé, you know that I wouldn't." Alma says firmly and the woman went quiet as she got out an outfit and shut the door to the bathroom, wanting to be alone.

Alma couldn't help the tears that grew in her eyes. She waited for Esmé to get out of the shower, wanting to talk. Though it seemed she was taking a long time just to avoid such a conversation.

Eventually she heard the water shut off, a few more minutes passing as Esmé dried off and got dressed, eventually leaving the bathroom. Alma watched as she just went straight to the bed, burying her face in the pillow as she laid on her stomach. She didn't bother brushing her hair as her back was hurting and she didn't want to talk.

"Esmé, please?" She asked gently. "You don't have to say anything but will you please just let me talk?"

"Go ahead." She mutters into the pillow, exhausted.

"Darling I love you. And I'm so sorry. I would never have kissed her if I were sober. And I shouldn't have drank that much in the first place. I promise that won't happen again." Alma said gently. "Please, I'm begging you to forgive me, talk to me, anything."

"I love you too." Is all she said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "I don't care, it's fine." She says and takes her glasses off, setting them aside, exhausted.

"Can I hug you.?" Alma asked hesitantly, missing the younger woman.

Esmé made a noise signaling a yes, but she didn't move, her back too sore to even bother doing so.

Alma moved to bring the younger woman into her arms. "I love you, more than anything."

"I love you too." She says, not helping the pleased feeling that washed over her when she felt the older woman press her hand against her back.

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