Chapter 33

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Miss Sparrow went up to Esmé's room later that day. Alma was busy so the mentor went to check up on her.

She quietly opened the door and seen the woman move in her sleep. She carefully walked over and turned on the lamp, noticing the sheet of sweat on the woman's forehead and the tear stains on her cheeks.

Esmé whined in her sleep, hiding her face in her pillow. Miss Sparrow sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Esmé?" She gently shook her shoulder and the younger woman tensed at the touch, opening her eyes and shooting her gaze to whoever was there, worried and confused.

"Hey love, are you okay?" She asked gently as she moved to hold her hand.

The younger woman moved her hand, still unsure what was going on as she looked around the room, her heart beating fast.

"It was just a nightmare, I'm here honey." She said gently. Esmé looked around, not so sure.

Miss Sparrow went to check her temperature when the younger woman moved back, unsure and the fever wasn't helping. The mentor backed off until the woman regained herself, groaning a bit when she rubbed her eyes.

"Wasn't real?" She asked as she looked around, sitting up in bed, forgetting her lack of clothes.

Miss Sparrow gently felt her forehead, frowning when she felt she was more warm than earlier. Esmé felt how dry her mouth was and glanced at the glass of water, her mentor taking it and gently handing it to her.

Esmé drank it quickly, though it didn't seem to help her throat very much.

She felt her mentor gently tilt the glass down a bit, Esmé knowing she shouldn't drink it fast. She set it back down on the nightstand, a small shiver running through her.

"Are you alright, do you need anything?" Miss Sparrow asked gently. Esmé nodded and held her arms out for a hug.

The mentor brought her arms around her, feeling how warm she was and gently ran her talons over the woman's back.

"Remember when I found you in the library when you were supposed to be in bed?" Miss Sparrow says softly with a small smile. "You ended up persuading me to stay to help you study."

"Mhm, I needed help." She said as she smiled up at her mentor.

"You had me recite the whole Peculiardom book for you." She says softly and Esmé leaned her head against her shoulder, relaxing in her mentors arms.

"I like your voice." Esmé said warmly as she leaned against her. "It sounds so nice."

"It's nice to talk to you again." Miss Sparrow says softly with a smile, gently hugging her close. "Do you want to take any medicine? I can get you something to eat as well."

"Can you? Both?" Esmé asked as she looked up at her.

"Of course, anything in particular you'd like to eat?"

"Maybe nothing too big?" She asks softly and Miss Sparrow nods in understanding.

"Would you like me to bring Alma upstairs while I'm gone?" She asks softly, but Esmé could tell her mentor wanted to talk to her more.

"Please do." She said as Miss Sparrow went to leave the room and head downstairs.

Alma shortly came upstairs, gently pressing her palm against her wife's head and a small frown going over her features before she gently placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"I can tell Miss S wanted to talk for a bit more." Esmé says with a small smile, leaning against Almas hand that was resting against her cheek. "You can join us if you'd like, if you're not busy?"

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