Chapter 38

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"Miss Raven? Will you come to town with me soon?" Esmé asked her mentor. "I need to get a gift for Alma."

"Sure. What is it for?" She asks curious and the younger woman smiled.

"Don't tell her I'm leaving for this reason, but today's our anniversary. It's been twelve years." Esmé says softly with an adoring smile.

"Aw, that's so sweet. I'd love to join you. Do you have anything special planned?" She asked with a smile.

"It's a surprise so please don't tell, but I'm going to set up the table and have a private dinner with her after the children eat and are off to bed." Esmé says with a gentle look. "It's been a while since we've both had a break from everything."

"That's adorable, I won't tell a soul. Except maybe my wife. I can't keep anything from her, but she won't tell anyone cause I already know." Miss Raven grinned.

"Thank you so much, miss. I promise to return soon, if Alma asks where I am just tell her I went to the store to get more things for the home." Esmé says with a grateful smile.

"Of course darling." She smiled at the younger ymbryne. "Now go get her something nice."

Esmé thanked her once more and left, Miss Raven keeping watch over the children with her wife until she seen Alma come down in a panic.

"So sorry, Miss Raven, Esmé didn't wake me and for some reason I overslept." Alma says, but noticed that breakfast was already made from Evelyn.

"It's no problem at all, a little extra rest isn't a bad thing. Plus I had everything under control, the children are lovely."

Alma hummed and then leaned against the wall, looking around confused.

"Where is Esmé?"

"In town picking up a few things for the house." Miss Raven said with a shrug.

"Like what? We have most of everything we need." Alma says, curious as to why the younger woman seemed to leave in a rush.

"She didn't say." Miss Raven lied. Alma seemed a bit confused but didn't say much else as Claire ran over.

"Hello Claire, what is it?" Alma says softly, walking alongside the girl into the kitchen to get a plate of breakfast since she missed it.

"Where's mom?" She asked, following her other mom around.

"She went into town."


"To run a few errands." Alma says getting herself a plate of food and sitting down at the small table in the kitchen. Claire ran off and Evelyn instead took a seat with the older ymbryne.

"Hey Alma, you slept in today, feeling alright?" She asked with a gentle smile.

"I'm alright, I just stayed up for a while last night." She says softly. In all honesty, she was getting together Esmés gift while the younger woman was asleep.

"Alright. Happy anniversary by the way." Evelyn smiled at her. "Exciting huh? Twelve whole years."

"I still find it hard to believe it's been that long." Alma says softly with a small smile.

"You two are wonderful together, I'm not surprised in the slightest." Evelyn grinned.

"Evelyn, you don't think she you?" Alma asks, unsure herself.

"No, I don't see how she would. Every year you both celebrated it together." Evelyn mentions.

"It's just, we normally have breakfast together. Today she just left to town without even waking me up."

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