Chapter 73

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Esmé was getting ready for the night, Evelyn giving her the black cloak she owned and she was trying to get her wings through a black dress Alma had got her that was open in the back.

"You look beautiful." Alma said with a smile as Esmé finally got her wings through.

"Thanks." She smiles with a small blush, Alma helping her with the necklace she got her a while ago.

"I love you." Esmé said, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

"I love you more." Alma said with a smile.

She seen the button up and vest the older woman had on, Esmé blushing when she seen how it complimented her and she noticed Almas stare.

"Staring is rude." Esmé said with a smile, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"I can't seem to help it." Alma said as she looked over the younger woman. "You're gorgeous."

"You're one to talk." Esmé says, smiling as she smoothed down the feathers on her wings.

"I love you." Alma said, bringing the younger woman into her arms, holding her closely.

"I love you more." Esmé says, wrapping her wings tight around the woman and Alma enjoyed the soft touch of her feathers. "I suppose I should hide these stubborn things."

"A shame, I like them." Alma said with a small sigh.

"It's just while we're out of the house." Esmé said, moving to hide them beneath the cloak.

Alma helped her keep them tucked in and hidden, the cloak thankfully covering most of what was there. It would be almost dark when they leave so it shouldn't be too noticible.

"Alright, let's go see if they're ready." Alma said with a smile, taking Esmé's hand and leading her downstairs.

"Oh woah, you look hot with that." Ayn says and Esmé rolled her eyes, not seeing the glare Alma threw at her.

"You'll have everything handled right? You can always send for us if you need to." Esmé says.

"It's all under control, dear." Miss Sparrow said calmly. "I know how to handle children."

"Alright, thank you." She says and the ymbryne hummed.

"Ayn, are you going to be on your best behavior?" Alma asked, unamused.

"As long as neither of you flash me, probably." Ayn said with a small smirk.

Esmé blushed slightly and Alma sent her a glare, rolling her eyes and bringing her arm around her wife's waist, moving towards the door.

"Don't let Edgar do anything stupid." Evelyn said to Miss S.

"I just said I know how to handle children, I got this."

"Alright. You're awfully intimidating." She muttered quietly, walking over to the other three.

"Miss Sparrow is a big sweetheart, she's not intimidating." Esmé said with a smile.

"Yes she is." Ayn said.

"You only think that cause she hates you for flirting with us." Alma pointed out.

"That's very true." Miss Sparrow says and wished them goodbye before shutting the door.

"That bird is intimidating." Ayn said before turning to walk off. Alma smiled and rolled her eyes at this.

"Did you two figure out where you'd like to go?" Evelyn asks, walking up to the two.

"Esmé was thinking a small restaurant. It's dimly lit so no one will see her wings." Alma said.

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