Chapter 15

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They were back at school the next day, and though it was difficult they managed. They saw Miss Bluejay in the morning, she was still grieving. But Miss Sparrow was there for her. They were currently headed to their last class of the day.

"Do you know what Miss S is having us do today?" Esmé asks and Alma thinks it over.

"Possibly the usual. Flying and practicing, maybe another course."

"I hope it's nothing hard." Esmé sighed as she stretched her arms. "I'm not in much of a flying mood."

"Are you ever?" Alma jokes with a smile and Esmé grinned and rolled her eyes, playfully smacking the older girls arm.

"You know very well I enjoy it sometimes. When it's with you and there aren't other people judging me." Esmé said.

"Well, if someone does I'll simply tell them to fuck off." Alma says with a smile and Esmé looked at her surprised at the wording and blushed before Alma pulled her along to the courtyard.

"Ah, good everyone's here." Miss Sparrow said as she looked over the girls. "We're simply going to be practicing flying again today."

"Told you." Alma whispers with a smile, nudging Esmé with her shoulder.

"I will be checking in on all of you to see your progress." Miss Sparrow adds. "Now, shift and take off. I'll call you down one by one to chat about your progress."

Esmé took a small breath in and shifted, Alma following shortly after and she watched as the gyr falcon passed for a moment before setting off into the sky.

Esmé faltered for a moment and hoped no one noticed. It felt wrong to be flying. Going out for a fly with Alma is what killed Miss Raven.

She faltered again and hovered for a moment, shaking her head and Alma flew around her, confused. Esmé ignored it and went to fly again, but she couldn't ignore the noises in her head. The thump of her mentor landing against the building. Esmé accidently shifted back midair and Alma squawked in panic when Esmé shouted, the girl quickly shifting back before she hit the ground.

Miss Sparrow walked over and looked down at her, a bit disappointed. "What has gotten into you? Last I checked you were a natural."

Esmé didn't say anything as she looked at the ground, Alma perching on the tree above. Miss Sparrow waited for an answer, but got none.

"Esmé. You can tell me what's troubling you." Miss Sparrow said gently. "I can help."

Esmé shook her head and walked off, spreading her wings to try again.

Esmé tried and fell back to the ground. Alma landed beside her, giving her a worried look as she wrapped her wings around her.

"Alma, go back to the course. Esmé, you're flying with me." Miss Sparrow says and Alma backed off for a moment before finally flying off.

"Esmé, let's have a race. If you win you can rest for the remainder of the period." She said.

Esmé sent her a hesitant look before chirping and Miss Sparrow shifted, the bird smaller than how tall the falcon was and Esmé tilted her head a bit.

The Sparrow hopped over to the beginning of the course, gesturing for Esmé to come over as well.

The falcon did and both of them spread their wings, some of the other birds noticing the two. Miss Sparrow took off, Esmé following shortly after.

Esmé, being the larger bird, gained speed much quicker than Miss Sparrow. However she was still hesitant.

She felt everything from the day before, replaying in her head and she slowed down, hovering for a moment as she shook her head to catch her bearings.

In the short moment Miss Sparrow overtook her and was nearing the finish. Miss Raven wouldn't want Esmé to be like this. Scared of flying.

She hesitated again, she didn't know what to do. She wanted to go inside, to her room and not be around people. She hated this pressure of everyone's gaze on her. Her flying was the reason Miss Raven is gone. Esmé forced the thoughts away and quickly flew towards the finish, flying past Miss S and making it there first. Though when her mentor shifted back to congratulate her, Esmé flew quickly back to the academy.

"Alma, follow her please." Miss Sparrow shouted up at the bird who was observing them.

Alma squawked and did as she was told, flying quickly back to the doors of the academy and down the hallway, shifting back at Esmés door. The bell rang a few moments after and Alma seen Miss Sparrow making her way down the hall afterwards.

Alma decided to wait for Miss Sparrow so they could enter the room together.

"Miss Gyr, please open the door." Miss Sparrow says when she reaches the door, turning the knob and suddenly realizing it was locked. "Esmé?"

Alma grew worried as she knocked on the door. "Esmé please? Open the door."

There was still no answer and Miss Sparrow exchanged a look with Alma.

"Please! Esmé!" She pleaded. "Open the door." She told the woman.

"Do you have a pin?" Miss Sparrow asks and Alma searched her pockets, Esmé finally unlocking the door before she got the pin out.

"What?" She spat. She'd obviously been crying.

"Why was the door locked?" Alma asked at the same time Miss Sparrow asked what was wrong.

"No reason. I want to be alone right now." Esmé said upset.

"Can we please come in?" Miss Sparrow asked gently.

"What, so you can sit in here and name off everything I did wrong?" Esmé snaps. "I get it, I messed up today, okay? No need to rub it in." She says and goes to slam the door and Miss Sparrow stopped the door from shutting.

"No, Esmé I just want to talk to you." Miss Sparrow said calmly. "I'm not going to be mean. I simply want to know what has you so distracted."

"Why should you care? You're a teacher, you have better things to do than deal with me." Esmé says and pushes on the door, but she didn't let go.

"Because I care about you, Esmé." She said, upset. "And I'm worried for your wellbeing."

"All of you are always so worried at first, but you know what happens? You get sick and tired of dealing with it all and leave." Esmé says in a spiteful tone with a glare.

"Has anyone here left you?" Miss Sparrow asked, trying to prove a point.

"Miss Raven did."

All three of them went quiet and Esmé shut the door when Miss Sparrow let go, locking it and heading over to her bed, her tears falling on to the pillow.

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