Chapter 34

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"Esmé, you can't sleep in all day."

Esmé slowly opened her eyes with a small groan, seeing the older girl sitting on the edge of her bed with a small smile.

"But I'm so tired. And it's the weekend." Esmé groaned.

"Aw you don't want to spend time with me?" Alma said with a mock sad expression.

Esmé rolled her eyes before dragging the girl onto the bed and turning on her other side, shutting her eyes.

"Darling we have to-" Alma was cut off by a kiss. She hummed and melted into it.

Esmé eventually pulled away with a small satisfied smile and the older girl sent her a playful look.

"Are you awake now?" She says and Esmé smiles with a nod.

"Great, now give me more kisses." Alma said as she moved on top of Esmé, kissing her again.

The younger girl smiled and gently rested her hands on Almas waist, holding her down as she pressed another gentle kiss to her lips.

"I love you." Esmé said softly as she looked over Alma's face. The other girl blushed furiously and looked at her surprised. "I- not like that- I mean-"

"I understand." The older girl says with a small smile, hoping her disappointment didn't show. "Now get dressed. I want to go to the library with you and we can't have Avocet catching us again."

The two stood, Esmé walking over to her closet and pulling out one of the outfits Alma had given her. They still smelled of the older girl and Esmé wore them every chance she got.

Alma busied herself with other things until Esmé was finished getting dressed.

"Hello there beautiful." Alma said with a smile. "I like my clothes on you." Esmé blushed at this.

"Now come along with me to the library." She says with a warm look, taking her hand and pulling her along.

Esmé grinned and moved closer to her as they walked down the hall. Alma smiled as she walked with Esmé down the hall, hand in hand.

"Any books that you had in mind?" Esmé asks.

"Well, a few, but I more so wanted you to meet up with Balenciaga here as well." Alma says with a small smile.

"Darn, I thought this was a date." Esmé joked, not seeing the blush on Alma's face.

"It could be still." Alma says for a moment and Esmé sent her a funny look.

"I was kidding." She says with a small smile and Alma his her disappointment with a small smile.

Alma looked down at the floor, disappointed. She shouldn't even feel this way about Esmé at all.

"Something wrong?"

Alma sent her a small smile with a shake of her head as she walked into the library, Esmé following close behind.

Balenciaga rushed over when she saw them, hugging Esmé. "Hey how are you?"

"I'm alright, you?" Esmé says with a small smile, her cheeks a slight pink when she did.

"I'm doing good." She says and looks over at Alma. "You both can join Isabel and I if you'd like."

"That would be great." Esmé smiled. Balenciaga grinned and grabbed Esmé's hand, dragging her along.

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