Chapter 83

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It had been a few weeks since Esmé had Odette and she was feeling much better. She was currently watching her daughter play with a couple toys on the floor.

"You having fun?" She says and the girl smiled, crawling over to her mother and Esmé grinned, bringing her into her arms and wrapping her wings around them.

"How are you two doing?" Balenciaga asked, walking over and sitting on the couch beside them.

"Good." Esmé says with a smile, laying her head down in her lap as Odette curled up on her mother's chest. Her wings recently came out, the girl still trying to figure out how to even use them.

"Good enough that I could, I don't know, propose today?" Balenciaga said with a small nervous smile.

Esmé beamed and sat up, a small cramp in her stomach but she didn't care.

"Really? I'm so happy for you!" Esmé says, hugging her tight and Odette grabbed the woman's hair.

"You'll be there won't you? I'm planning on doing it later today and I'm pretty nervous."

"Of course I will be. What time were you thinking?" Esmé asks and Balenciaga thought it over.

"I was thinking maybe we could go on a picnic for lunch and I could do it there? Odette would like the sand at the beach, she hasn't been there yet." She says with a small smile.

"Absolutely! Oh I'm so excited! This is going to be amazing." Esmé said happily.

"Yeah, if she says yes."

"I doubt she'll even think for a moment to say no." Esmé smiled and Odette stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry and both of them chuckle.

The girl grabbed at her mother's glasses, getting tiny fingerprints on the lenses. "It's still hard not to worry."

"I know, but I doubt Ayn will say no. Don't worry." Esmé said, Odette reaching towards the other ymbryne.

"You have the cutest kids, I swear." Balenciaga said, looking down at the baby.

Odette smiled when Balenciaga took her in her arms, her little wings flaring out when she did and Esmé chuckled. The brown feathers seemed to leave after a few days, now they were a white with blue tips and black speckles.

"You might learn how to fly before your mother at this rate, sweet thing." The older woman teased.

"Wow." Esmé says, rolling her eyes with a smile. "I'll have you know, I've just had a kid and haven't had time to practice."

"I know, I know. But you oughta learn soon or she'll be the one teaching you." The older ymbryne smiled playfully at her.

Esmé sent her a glare and layed her head down in her lap, wrapping her wings around herself.

"Aww mama's pouting." Balenciaga teased.

"What are you two up to?" Ayn asked with the smile, entering the room.

"She's being mean to be." Esmé says, hidden in her wings and Ayn raised an eyebrow, sitting down beside the younger woman.

"I am not!" Balenciaga said in defense. "How dare you."

"Aw, poor birdie." Ayn says, gently patting her wings and Esmé looked over when Odette pulled her hair, Esmé reaching over and taking her little one back.

Ayn smiled warmly at Balenciaga, grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently.

"Who's Mommy's little angel, you're so cute." Esmé gushes, smiling as she nuzzled her nose against Odettes and the baby giggled.

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