Chapter 21

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The past week had been hard for Esmé but she enjoyed having Alma around. She smiled at the older girl who'd brought Esmé a cup of tea. She carefully took it from her hands and took a small sip, noticing Alma had also brought her something to eat as well.

"You didn't eat a whole lot at breakfast." She says softly, handing her the small plate.

Esmé smiled at the plate, and Alma's knowledge of her favorite breakfast foods. "Thank you." She said, taking Alma's hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Alma sent her a gentle look and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, Esmé blushing when she did.

Esmé leaned against Alma, feeling more relaxed around her. Alma smiled and took a grape from her plate, popping it in her mouth.

Esmé laughed slightly and pulled away, Alma taking another and throwing it towards her, the younger girl catching it in her mouth. Their classes were already over for the day and they didn't know how else to spend their extra time.

Esmé took a grape and threw it at the older girl, Alma catching it easily in her mouth. She smiled warmly at Esmé.

Esmé smiled back and took another grape, popping it into her own mouth.

Alma sent her a small smile before looking over when Balenciaga came in.

"What are you two up to?" She asks with a smile, Esmé throwing a grape at her and laughing when she caught it.

"Is this a food fight?" She grinned at her.

"Oooo can it be?" Esmé asked Alma with a grin.

"I'd rather my room not get trashed."

"Fine." Esmé says with an eye roll and caught the grape Balenciaga threw in her mouth, smirking a bit when she did and Alma felt her cheeks burn slightly.

"I came to see if you both would like to go to the library. The school year is halfway done and this is your last year after all." She says, smiling at Alma. Esmé kept forgetting her and Balenciaga were two years under and Alma would leave first before they do.

Esmé gave Alma a sad look and held her hand. Alma looked at her, understanding what this meant. "Maybe in a bit. Esmé and I need to finish our food." Alma said to Balenciaga.

"Alright, see you both soon." She says with a smile and left, Esmé gently tucking the older girls hair behind her ear.

"I keep forgetting you're older than me." She says with a small sad smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to leave you either." Alma said gently, holding Esmé's hand in her own.

"It's alright. I'm not nearly as ready to start a loop soon anyways." She says with a small nervous laugh.

"I'm sure you'll have the sweetest wards ever." Alma says with a warm smile. "You'll be a very admirable ymbryne."

(This mf just jinxed it


"I hope you're right." Esmé said with a sad smile. "I wish we could have a loop together. I'd like to be with a friend."

"Sadly the council is very strict when it comes to everything." Alma says softly and chuckled lightly when she seen Esmé roll her eyes.

"They're such a pain."

"Be careful what you say here."

Esmé sighed and looked down at the floor. Alma gave her a sad look and brought her into her arms. "We can visit one another." Alma said with a smile. "I won't just abandon you. I love you."

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