Chapter 48

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Alma was in bed with Esmé, the two softly talking to each other and the lamp still on, the younger woman sitting up in bed when she heard Willow.

"What is it lovely?" Esmé asked her. "Come here dear." She said softly, holding her arms out for her.

The girl went over, climbing on to the bed and going into her mother's arms.

"I thought you and mom left." She says quietly, Esmé hugging her close.

"Oh honey we didn't leave, we'd never leave." Esmé said softly. "No need to worry love."

"Can I stay with you both tonight?" She asks quietly and Alma gently pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Of course, come up here." Alma says, patting the spot between both of them.

Willow smiled and cuddled in, enjoying the presence of her mothers. "Can I hear more stories?"

"Which would you like to hear?" Esmé asks with a small smile, laying down beside her and running her talons through her hair.

"I wanna know what it was like when you found each other again." Willow said with a smile. Esmé froze, remembering the cave.

"How about something from the academy?" She suggested.

"But I want to hear the other one." Willow says and Esmé shared a glance with Alma. Maybe she could just skip over that part.

"Well, alright, I suppose." Esmé said as she thought about it. "I'd just left my old loop and set off to find a new home. I was seeking shelter in a cave, which turned out to be the loop entrance. And your mother found me there."

"When did you two know you liked each other?" She asks with a grin, Esmé smiling down at her.

"Well it took a little while to rekindle the old flame, but I fell back in love with her fairly quickly." Alma said with a smile.

"Really? Who confessed to who?" She asked excitedly.

"She did." Esmé says softly, sending her wife a fond look and Alma returned it.

"I still can't believe you left without saying bye!" Willow says, sitting up and looking at Alma.

"Not a day goes by that I don't regret that." Alma said with a sigh. "I should've walked over and let her talk, kissed her." She said, looking at Esmé.

"I should've told you I loved you sooner." Esmé says softly, meeting her eyes and chuckled when Willow smiled at the two.

"But now you're together." Willow said happily.

"We are. But that story still makes me sad." Esmé said with a slight smile.

Willow hugged her tight and Esmé smiled before pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead, Alma leaning in to place one on Willows cheeks and a gentle deep kiss on Esmés lips.

"Ewww!" Willow said, and fake gagged at the show of affection.

"Oh be quiet you!" Esmé laughed.

The girl giggled when Esmé pulled her back down, hugging her close and peppering her face with kisses.

"You need to get some sleep, my little Willow." Esmé says quietly, running her hand through her hair.

"Goodnight mom, I love you." Willow said as she closed her eyes to go to bed.

"Goodnight my darling." Esmé says softly, pressing a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. Alma shut the lamp off, moving closer to the two and sending a warm look to Esmé.

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