Chapter 46

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Esmé paced around the kitchen, digging her talons into her palms as she got absorbed in her thoughts.

"Mom, I'm going to take Charlie home." Oliver says, slipping on his jacket and Esmé sent them a smile.

"Alright, lovely to meet you dear." She says, Charlie thanking her before they left.

Esmé watched them out the window as they left, she sighed, still upset from earlier. Why was she always so sensitive?

She shook her head and went to making tea, getting agitated just from hearing Ayn arguing with Evelyn down the hallway.

"Can you two shut up?" She snapped at them before turning back to put the kettle on the stove. She was fed up with everything.

"Geez, chill out birdie." Ayn says and Esmé sent her a glare.

"Ayn, leave her be." Evelyn scolds, storming down the hallway away from her sister.

"Quit calling me birdie." Esmé said without glancing at Ayn as she grabbed a mug from the cabinet.

"Who shit in your coffee?"

"Can you kindly fuck off?" Esmé says through her teeth, slamming the mug down on the counter. The wight knew better than to argue and walked off.

Willow who'd been in the parlor, heard the interaction and grew worried. She entered the kitchen and looked up at her mother, who was clearly upset.


"Yes?" Esmé says, softening her tone.

"Are you okay.?" She asked, worried.

"I'm sorry darling, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Esmé said gently.

Willow walked over to her, hugging her tight on the leg and Esmé sent her a gentle smile.

"I just have a headache." Esmé says softly and Willow nods.

"I hope you feel better." Willow said as she hugged her leg tightly.

"Thank you darling, I appreciate it."

Willow gave her one last tight hug before pulling away, Esmé gently pinching her cheeks with a small smile before the girl ran off.

Esmé sighed and went back to her tea as the kettle went off. She poured herself a mug and added two cubes of sugar.


"What now?" She snaps, noticing it was Alma and softening her gaze. "Alma, I love you, but I'd rather not be around anyone right now." She says softly, pressing her palm against her forehead.

"Oh." Alma said. "Okay talk to you later." She moved to leave the room, deciding it was better to just leave her be.

"I'm sorry, my head just hurts and I can't think." Esmé says softly and didn't argue when Alma stepped back into the kitchen, walking up behind her and gently bringing her arms around her waist.

Esmé sighed and leaned against her. No words were exchanged but Alma held her gently in her arms, keeping her close.

The younger woman turned around to wrap her arms around the taller woman, shutting her eyes as she rested her head against her chest, listening to her soft heartbeat.

"Don't fall asleep on me, love." Alma says gently with a smile.

"Didn't I do that once at the academy?" Esmé asks with a small smile.

"Yes, and it was adorable." Alma smiled down at her. Esmé hummed and leaned into her gently.

"Alma?" She says quietly and Alma hummed. "Are you happy?"

"What do you mean? With you, in this house, with our family? I am very happy." Alma said gently.

Esmé fell quiet and Alma pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. The younger woman held her close against her, the sweet vanilla surrounding her and she just processed the older woman had her pipe in her free hand.

Esmé moved to take it, bringing it to her lips and slowly blew the smoke towards Alma's face with a smile.

Alma sent her a small smile, gently pressing a kiss to her lips and hummed when she tasted the vanilla smoke on her.

"Would you like a headache tablet to take?" Alma says when she pulls away, seeing how tired she looked.

"Yes please." Esmé responded, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger.

Alma went her own way to get her one, Esmé sipping at her tea in the kitchen, not caring it was hot. Soon she seen Oliver returning and making his way to the home.

Esmé sighed as the front door opened. Alma entered the hall and gave Ollie a slight glare. "Time for that talk, young man."

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