Chapter 55

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Alma paced around the kitchen all night, thinking about Avocet and Esmé. The older woman wouldn't tell her where she was. She's tried asking Miss Sparrow or Miss Bluejay, but both were not shared the information of where Esmé was either.

Alma groaned and tried to think of another solution. But she couldn't think of any idea other than to see if Horace could get more information.

The children were eventually up and about, Horace seeing his exhausted ymbryne in the kitchen and Alma seen her looked just as tired.

"Did you sleep alright, Horace?"

"Yes, but I kept having dreams about her. Though they weren't as..bad."

"I saw you too." He said. "I think it was last night. You were all upset about her." Horace said worriedly.

"I'm alright, Horace." Alma says softly, casting her gaze on to the food she was making. "Was there anything important you found out last night?"

"They weren't really around it was mostly just her.. uhm.. hurting herself." Horace said, staring at the ground.

That caught Almas attention and she looked over at the boy concerned.

"How so?" She asks, fearing she already knew.

"A razor to her wrists." He said, still avoiding eye contact. "She bought a gun, and hid it in her dresser."

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Horace." Alma says softly, her worry increasing even more but she pushed it down. The children didn't need to see her like that. "I promise I'll continue to try and find her, don't you worry."

"Alright, I'll see if I can get anymore information. I'm sorry, I wish I could help more." Horace said sadly.

"No, don't apologize dear." Alma says softly. "You've been wonderful help, but I'd imagine it's not great to witness all of that. Just try not to think much about it if you can." Alma says gently worried about Esmé, but not wanting to upset her ward.

"Thank you, I'll try." Horace said before walking off. Alma sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She couldn't help but worry for the woman she loved.

She finished breakfast and gathered the children at the table, noticing Enoch wasn't downstairs with them again and she sighed.

"Mr Nullings, would you please get Enoch?" Alma asks in a soft tone as she set the table.

"Yes Miss." he said before leaving the room to get Enoch for breakfast.

Even after having the children at the home for a few months, Alma was really hoping they would grow more comfortable. Some of them have but a few others were having difficulty settling in. Specifically Emma and Enoch.

She was sure they'd come around eventually but Alma still worried. "Ooo waffles!" Claire said happily as she entered the dinning room.

Enoch stormed down and sent the ymbryne a glare, Emma sending the boy a slight glare from the action and Alma took that as at least some improvement with her.

Everyone sat at the dinning table and began eating in silence. A few of the younger children talked to one another.

"Why the bloody hell are we here?" Enoch says with a glare at his ymbryne, not eating his food.

"Enoch, don't be so rude." Olive says across from the table.

"Why'd she make us come here? I was happy in my parent's funeral parlor!" He yelled.

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