Chapter 71

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Everyone was frozen in shock. Esmé didn't understand why at first until she finally noticed the wings.

The boy looked at her unsure and immediately Esmé paid no mind to them, only focusing on going after them. Miss Sparrows hold was no loose enough, she pulled away and charged after him and he started running.

"Come back here!" She yelled at him, running after him. She tackled the boy, hitting him in the face with her wings.

She raised her hand and suddenly felt someone hold her wrist back, Esmé letting out a frustrated noise before being pushed off of him, the boy leaving the loop.

"I had him!" Esmé yelled. "I could've stopped him!"

"Esmé forget about him and let me see you!" Alma snaps, the younger woman going quiet as she felt a small twinge of pain in her back. The older woman seen the red stains around where the feathers came out.

"How on earth..." Miss Sparrow said as she left the house.

"To our room now, you need to take off your shirt so I can see this." Alma said.

Esmé went to check over her but Alma pulled away.

"I'm fine, head upstairs." Alma says, looking at the white, black speckled wings confused.

Esmé looked over them for a moment, flapping them to see how much control she had over them. She decided not to try anything else for now and go back upstairs as told.

Willow woke up from the noise and her eyes widened when she seen her mother, confused but smiled and went to pet the feathers.

"So pretty!" She said happily as she looked over them. "How?" She asked, confused as to how this happened.

"I'm not quite sure." Esmé says softly, Willow noticing the blood stains on her back and immediately pulled her hand away.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize."

"Are you hurt?"

"I can't feel it all too well. They just.. appeared. Suddenly." Esmé said as she turned to look at one of the wings.

She felt Alma behind her, guiding her back to the bedroom and Willow followed them.

"Willow, dear, I have to take a look at your mother's back. Why don't you go play?" Alma said gently to the younger girl.

"Oh okay." She says softly, leaving the room despite her curiosity. Alma gently shut the door and unbuttoned the younger woman's top, Esmé trying to figure out how to take it off.

Alma gently pulled it off, making the tears a bit bigger in the process. "Your back is bleeding where they came from."

"Ouch." Esmé winced when the woman tried carefully pulling the shirt off, Alma waiting a moment before cutting the rest of it off.

"Do you have any idea how this could've happened?" Alma asked her gently.

"I don't-" She took a sharp breath in when the older woman bumped the feathers on her wings when she finished getting the shirt off.

"What was your father's peculiarity again?" Alma asked as she looked over the wings.

"Shape shifting." Esmé says softly. "That doesn't make sense, I'm a ymbryne." Esmé says and then felt her eyes widen. "I'm a ymbryne, aren't I?" She says, looking at Alma worried.

"You're an ymbryne." Alma said confidently. "You're able to manipulate time, you have to be."

Esmé felt her wing shoot out when Alma tried feeling over her feathers, Esmé feeling a twinge of pain go down her spine.

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