Chapter 9

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Alma stayed in Esmés room that night, noticing she wasn't sleeping well. She gently got in to her bed, brushing her hair back to gain her attention.

Esmé looked up at her sadly. She hadn't spoken in a while. "Are you okay, dear?" Alma asked gently as she brought her into her arms.

Esmé waited a moment before shaking her head. Alma gently ran her talons through her hair, looking down at her gently as she did.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise." Alma said gently as she held her. "I'm here for you."

Esmé said nothing as she looked towards the wall, bringing her legs up close against her as she layed against the older girl.

Alma gave her a sad look as she held her. She felt terrible about what had happened but wasn't sure on how to help.

"Are you okay?" She asks softly. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I've learned to just deal with it." Esmé says quietly, her voice giving out and Alma looked at her confused.

"You've learned?"

"This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I'll be fine." Esmé was so casual about it, but Alma was horrified.

"What are you talking about?" Alma asks and the girl went quiet. "Esmé, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing." She says softly.

"It's obviously something." Alma said, worried.

"I don't want to talk about it." Esmé snapped, pulling away from the older girl. "I don't need your pity."


"Go back to your room, Alma." She says quietly and Alma seen her shoulders shake slightly and brought her arms gently around her.

"I'm not leaving you." She said gently as she held her. Esmé didn't argue as she cried.

Alma gently brought her in her arms, Esmé burying her face against her shoulder as she broke down. Without thinking, the older girl placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, wanting to help her.

Esmé couldn't think too hard about it in the moment as she held onto Alma tightly, just wanting to be close to her. She found comfort in Alma's arms.

"It's okay, you're okay." Alma says softly and gently layed back on the bed, bringing her into her arms when she did. Esmé eventually calmed down, her eyes keep wanting to shut. Alma noticed and glanced at the time and seen it was almost 1 in the morning.

"Get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Alma said gently as she brought the blanket up over them.

Esmé said nothing as she finally felt her exhaustion settle in, falling asleep on top of the girl. Alma kept her close and eventually fell asleep as well.

The next morning Alma awoke to a knock on the door. Esmé was still asleep on top of her and she didn't want to wake the younger girl.

Alma panicked and looked over at the time, seeing they still had about an hour before their first class. When the person got no answer, she opened the door, Alma seeing Miss Raven and felt some relief.

She smiled at Alma and closed the door behind her, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. "How is she?" She asked, looking down at Esmé.

"She's been alright." Alma says softly and watched as Miss Raven gently tucked the younger girls hair away, looking down at her.

"Will she be alright with classes today?" She asks and Alma nods.

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