Chapter 72

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"You two fighting?" Ayn asked when she saw Alma's face once she got downstairs.

"That's not any of your business." She snaps and Ayn shrugged, taking that as a yes.

"We could go out tonight." Evelyn suggested. "A girls night." Alma looked at her a bit confused.


Evelyn shared a short glance with Ayn.

"For fun. It's been a while since the both of you left the home."

"I'm not so sure." Alma said with a look, moving to cook some eggs which hadn't been started yet.

"You both need to relax." Ayn says and smiled. "I could totally go for some alcohol." She says and Evelyn elbowed her.

"How is she supposed to go in public anymore?" Alma asks. "And Ayn can't be seen either."

"Not an issue, I have contacts." Ayn says.

"I'd rather just stay in." Alma muttered. She didn't need her or Esmé getting drunk again. Or Esmé being spotted with wings.

"I have a cloak I wore in my old loop." Evelyn mentions. "It can easily hide her wings. And we're not getting drunk." She says, sending Ayn a pointed glare.

"I'm not sure. Maybe you three could go and I'll stay behind. Someone needs to keep an eye on the children anyway." Alma said.

"Miss S is here." Ayn says.

"So is Edgar." Evelyn adds and Alma looked at the two with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you two trying so hard to get me out of the house?" Alma asked, suspicious of their motives.

"It's been a while since we've spent time all together. Don't you want to have fun?" Evelyn asks and looked over when she seen Esmé come downstairs with a small yawn.

"Hey? How would you feel about coming out with all of us tonight?" Evelyn asked her with a smile.

"I guess." Esmé says, her wings close around her as she started making a cup of tea, not making eye contact with any of them.

"You doing okay?" Ayn asked her, wondering if she was alright.

"Yeah." Esmé says quietly, her wings stiffly against her sides.

"Hey, what's up." Ayn asked gently, speaking quietly as she stood next to her Esmé.

"Let me be." She says with a glare and Ayn hesitated before backing up.

Ayn gave her a worried look, moving further away from her to get a plate for herself.

The younger woman didn't bother getting a plate and just took her tea, heading into the parlor.

Alma sighed and moved to go to the parlor. She needed to clear things up with Esmé.

"Can I sit with you?" She says and Esmé sent her a glance before looking down, opening her wing slightly for her to join her.

Alma sat beside her, Esmé wrapping her wing gently around her. "I don't want to fight about this." Esmé said sadly.

"I just want you to know I'm not mad at you." Alma says softly. "But I think it would be good if you talked a bit more about this. I know it's bothering you. I'd hope your comfortable enough to talk about it with me, but I'd rather you talk to anyone rather than keep it to yourself."

"I know.. I just hate talking about it." Esmé sighed, leaning against Alma.

The older woman gently rubbed the palm of her hand, Esmé bringing her wing closer around the older woman.

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