Chapter 43

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Bud was pawing at the door, wanting to be let in later that day. Esmé wasn't sure if she should or not because of the kittens, but she thought she'd be nice so she opened the door.

He meowed when he raced in, his fur suddenly puffing up for a moment when he seen the mother, the other stray doing the same.

Bud meowed as he slowly walked over, smelling the air around them.

Esmé took a seat on the edge of the bed, watching them closely in case they wouldn't get along. Bud got close to the kittens for the moment before the mother chased him out of the room, soon after coming back without him.

"Well, that's a start." Esmé says with a shrug.

"What freaked out Bud? He ran into my room." Ember said, walking into her mom's room.

She suddenly seen the kittens and grinned, rushing over to pick one up.

"Oh my birds, they are so cute!" She squeals, peppering the kittens face with kisses.

"We rescued them." Esmé smiled. "We can't keep them, but we're going to find them a good home."

"They are so precious! Oh, right, Ayn made dinner tonight and wanted us to join." Ember says with a small smile, looking over at her moms.

"What did she make?" Alma asked with a smile.

"Fettuccine alfredo." She smiled. "Have you ever had it? I tried some and it's so good!"

Esmé smiled a bit as she thought back to the first night she went into town with Alma, the older woman catching her gaze and smiling a bit.

"We had some on our first date." Esmé said with a smile. Alma blushed at the thought, glad Esmé considered it a date.

Ember looked at them with a grossed out look, Alma sending her a playful glare.

"I'll be downstairs." Ember says, handing her mother the kitten and heading downstairs.

Bud poked his head back into the room and meowed at the other cats again. The stray stepped in between him and her kittens.

He slowly inched closer to her as she arched her back. He meowed and laid down on the floor, trying to show her he meant no harm.

Alma didn't even notice when Bud came back, Esmé tying her hair up and the older woman snuck up behind her, digging her talons into her waist and pressed a soft kiss against her neck.

Esmé gasped and leaned back against the older woman. "Well hello there."

"Hey there, baby." Alma said gently to her.

She suddenly felt the woman lift her up from under the legs and picking her up bridal style.

Esmé wrapped her arms around the older woman's neck, holding her gently. "You're pretty." She said as she looked up at her.

Alma went to reply when she heard one of the kittens meow, looking over and noticing Bud was on the bed, gently licking the kittens head, the mother cat still slightly puffing herself out in case.

"Awww!" Esmé grinned when she saw them. Bud rubbed his head against the mother's, purring.

"Seems like someone is smitten." Alma says with a small chuckle.

"Will he be alright when they have to leave?" Esmé asks, watching the cat lick the mothers head, smoothing out her fur.

"Perhaps we can set up play dates." Alma suggested as the mother cat began purring.

Esmé looked over the cats one more time before glancing at Alma, wanting to gain her attention. She smirked as she suddenly ran her tongue up the woman's neck, letting out a soft low chuckle by her ear after she nipped at it.

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