Chapter 57

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Alma showed up at the hospital early in the morning, thankful when the nurses let her know that Willow was free to leave. When she walked back to the room, she spotted Esmé fast asleep, her head resting against the edge of the bed, sitting on a chair. Willow was asleep as well, her hand still in her mother's.

Alma smiled at the two, though that position couldn't be comfortable for Esmé. "Hey, darling."

Esmé made a small noise, extremely tired and when she finally opened her eyes and sat up, she winced at the sharp pain in her neck but immediately looked over at Willow.

"Are you okay?" Alma asked, worried.

"Yeah just slept weird." Esmé groaned.

Esmé gently ran her thumb over Willows hand, the girl rubbing her eyes before slowly opening them and seeing her mother's.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Esmé asks.

"Tired, sore, the stitches hurt. But otherwise, better." Willow said with a yawn. "Hi mom." She smiled happily at Alma.

"Hi honey." Alma says with a small smile, looking over her closely as she gently took her hand. Esmé let a small yawn of her own slip.

"Perhaps we should get heading home." Alma suggested. "It'll be much comfier than here, I'm sure."

"I feel tired." Willow says and Esmé sent her a small comforting smile.

"We'll get you at home and in bed. You need to take it easy for a while." Esmé says gently.

"My beds better than this one." Willow said with a small smile.

"Okay I'll talk with the nurse, be right back." Alma said with a small smile.

The nurse came back into the room, carefully taking her IV out and helping her slowly sit up.

"Take as much time as you need." Alma says softly.

Willow was still sore, and in a lot of pain, but she managed to sit up. Esmé smiled and took her daughter's hand gently.

"Will you be able to walk out?" Esmé asks and Willow took a short step, wincing a bit when she did but tried her best to keep walking.

"We could get you a wheelchair to bring you to your carriage." The nurse offered.

"I don't want to bother you."

"Honey, you just got a surgery. It's reasonable to want one." Esmé says gently.

"Can I?" Willow asked nervously.

"Of course, I'll go get one." The nurse said with a gentle smile.

The woman came back with a wheelchair, Willow carefully taking a seat, grimacing a bit at the stitches.

"Thank you." Alma smiled at the nurse.

"Of course." She smiled at the older woman, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I love your hair by the way, very pretty."

"She is very gorgeous." Esmé says with a fond smile, looking over her wife before down at Willow. "Ready to go, love?"

"Mhm!" She said happily. Esmé smiled and pressed a kiss to her wife's cheek as she wheeled Willow into the hall.

"She's your wife?" The nurse asked Alma.

"She is. The most wonderful person I've met." Alma says fondly, walking with the nurse as Esmé spoke softly to Willow, the two ahead of the older woman.

"She seems lovely. A good mother for sure." The nurse smiled.

"She is. She loves our children more than anything." Alma smiled.

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