Chapter 4

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"Alma could you help me?" Esmé asked during class, finding she was unable to shift into a bird.

The girl hummed and walked over to her, looking over her.

"Have you remembered what I told you yesterday? About not letting your focus go to something else?"

"Yes but I'm a bit distracted. Miss Sparrow is loud and all the different instructions are confusing me."

"Miss Sparrow tends to over explain. She's a very good teacher, but basic information can be more easier to remember." Alma says with a small smile and placed her hands on the girls shoulders, straightening her posture.

"Just take a deep breath and imagine yourself transforming. Your arms into wings." Alma said, shifting in front of Esmé, surprising her.

"You're such a pretty bird." Esmé comments with a smile as she looks over her blue feathers and Alma squawked. "Oh right, sorry." She says and tries to focus.

Esmé shifted and squawked, surprised with herself. Alma gave her and excited chirp and wrapped her wings around Esmé.

The older girl looked over the bird, seeing how she looked similar to her except her feathers were a snowy white, black specks over her backside and wings.

Esmé grew embarrassed under Alma's gaze and shrunk back a bit. "Esmé and Alma, wonderful job!" Miss Sparrow praised. "What beautiful falcons."

Alma was the first to shift back, waiting patiently as Esmé hopped around for a moment, trying to focus until she finally shifted back, stumbling for a moment.

"You did amazing!" Alma said happily to her. "I love your bird, it's so pretty! I've never studied gyr falcons before. Oh I wonder what their flight patterns are like!" Alma said excitedly.

Esmé blushed with a small smile, but looked over when Miss Sparrow was announcing what they would do tomorrow.

"I spoke with Miss Avocet and we've decided since you all have been improving wonderfully, tomorrow we will have a flight course set up for a friendly competition." She says with a smile and Esmé felt her stomach sink.

Alma seemed excited but then noticed Esmé's face. The younger girl could barely turn into a bird, she couldn't fly!

"Hey, you'll be alright. We can practice." Alma says gently with a small smile and Esmé managed to return it.

The bell rang. "You're all dismissed." Miss Sparrow said and with that the school day was over.

Esmé quietly followed Alma back to the hall where their dorms were. They had about two hours of free time until it was time for dinner.

"So what do you want to do?" Alma asked gently. Esmé shrugged not knowing. "I could help you practice if you'd like?" Alma offered, not noticing Isabel coming down the hall.

"Alma, there you are! I need to practice for Miss Sparrows class, you have her class at the end of the day, right?" She asks and Esmé looked away, walking to her room instead. She already knew she wasn't inviting her either.

Alma sent Esmé a look as she left. "Yes I have Miss S. What do you need to practice exactly?" Alma asked.

"I just thought it would be good to go over what we already know." Isabel says and Alma glanced back to Esmés room.

"Isabel, you're prepared, there's no need to overwork yourself. Esmé though, I have to look after and she needs help with trying to fly." Alma explains gently.

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