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Chyna, Cut and Koji walked out of his office in a visibly brighter mood. The three of them were cracking jokes while Chyna and Koji shared faint memories of the beginning days of Black Diamond when Koji was just a bouncer at the time when Black Diamond was named The Pink Palace under an entirely different management. When Rich stepped on the scene and bought the business from right under the old owners, everything they say was history. Rich and Koji reunited, Rich promoted him to manager of the club, as ironic as it went, Koji won the Powerball and a scratch off that same week, giving him the means to open his own club to what was known as Pink Saké to this day.

"Man, you gotta tell Rich to stop being so busy and pass on through sometimes! It was nice seeing you, Chyna, for real. You looking good as always, I'm glad that nigga ain't stressing you out. Aye, Cut, nice to meet you too man. Its nice to know that Chyna got some solid niggas around her since I hauled ass up to Georgia." Koji's throat rumbled while laughing at his own statement.

"Tell Rich to call me and we'll finalize everything together. I know you're the one who basically highlights the loopholes in the contracts but you know that's my boy and I wanna have him here before we come together and make this money."

Chyna, although apprehensive to including Rich in these affairs considering he's been absent as a fucking ghost, hid her reluctance and nodded in agreement. Cut stood next to her with one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck as if the mere mention of Rich brought a crook to his neck.

Koji looked at Chyna then Cut, noticing the air around them getting immediately stiffer.

"What? Something going on with Rich?" asked Koji, his eyebrows raised in suspicion.

Chyna shook her head in decline, her full lips smiling reassuringly. Before she could speak up to deflect any suspicion, Cut took over the conversation as if on queue to save the day.

"Nah, man, we've just all been tired as shit coming from Miami. And we tried to have him come with us tonight but he was saying some shit about not feeling good and Chyna had actually called him and the nigga was just straight vomiting on the phone. He was even talking about taking himself to the hospital."

"Word?" Koji expressed genuine concern across his mocha face.

"Yeah man." Cut affirmed. "Rich actually asked Chyna to lead the way with the business shit. And, well shit, he wanted to tell her himself but fuck it. He wanted you to be the one holding it down as a co-owner of the club and possibly open another branch in Louisiana? We had put the money together as a surprise for her birthday and shit but that nigga clutching a toilet right now, feel me?"

Koji and Chyna looked at Cut in disbelief, more so Chyna than anyone else. Did she hear him correctly? Was he really bullshitting the both of them that good?

"Cut- "

"I know, I know, you speechless and shit but don't worry. I got all the money in my truck when you ready to make that move."

Koji's eyes beamed as all hesitance melted away as dollar signs popped up in its replacement. He clapped his hands together and flashed his pearly whites.

"Well, I mean shit, I was thinking about expanding the business somewhere but, shit, if Chyna is down to go lead the Louisiana location and throw a little Creole charm in the mix, I don't see why we can't do this shit."

Chyna, still dumbstruck, looked over at Cut who smiled down at Chyna with confidence. He figured that this small gesture would ease whatever hurt was building in her heart over this fuck nigga. He didn't want Rich to reap shit and she knew Chyna would be a good fit since all the girls at Black Diamond looked up to her like a sister they never had.

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