FINAL - 106

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I barely remembered much after I fainted in that parking lot. It felt like I died and my body was being lifted up and into heaven. Every part of me was on fire and it hurt to even swallow. I didn't know how badly Cut had choked me until I gained consciousness only to immediate pass out again.

The only thing that woke me up was the sound of a monitor beeping. When did I get to the hospital?

I could feel my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. So much, that it hurt to separate. Weakly, I turned my head to the side and saw some burly ass man sitting there playing games on a small black iphone. Maybe it wasn't that small but in his hands you might as well call it Barbie's first cell phone.

As much as it hurt me, I jumped back with a wince. Who the fuck was this person? How did I get here? Where was Cut? Where the fuck was Blu?

I tried to reach for the call button but was too weak to even grab the shit. If it wasn't for my movements my sniffling to hold back painful tears must have signaled the man that I was awake. He looked at me through his shades and immediately stood to his feet, pulled the curtain and called out for someone with a "Yo!"

Oh no. who the fuck was he calling for? Was it Cut? Did he know I was here? Fuck fuck fuck, I had to get out of here!

I tried to jolt my arm forward but the IV in my forearm was stuck in there deep not to mention all these fucking EKG leads stuck to my chest. I didn't give a fuck. I yanked my arm ahead enough to knock over my IV bag holster. It caused enough noise to cause the nurse and another figure to walk in with worrisome faces.

It was a ligthskin nurse with long blonde weave and Blu. He was standing there in a black hoodie, jeans, and a cup of coffee freshly brewed. You could tell in his face that he hadn't slept and by looking at the small cuts on his hand it was safe to say I think he was the one who brought me here.

"Miss Hamilton, please calm down." The nurse requested of me with worry in her eyes.

"Wh-" I tried to articulate as best I could through the sahara feeling in my throat but all that came out were raspy groans and whispers.

"Now now. This is the first time you've been awake since you've been here and I know you're wondering what happened. But your husband is making sure you're well taken care of while we're not here."


My eyes darted to Blu with a clear question mark written across my face.

"Heh, she's actually my fiancé but we can get used to calling eachother husband and wife now. Ain't that right, bae?"

My eyebrows scrunched together in both confusion and frustration. If someone wasn't gonna have some answers for me I was gonna start pulling these fucking leads out myself and walking the fuck home.

"If you don't mind, nurse, I wanna talk to her before the doctor comes in. and if you don't mind can you bring us some sandwiches and that good cranberry juice y'all keep in the back?"

It was like the nurse instantly forgot she was at work and in front of her patient by the way she smiled looking up at Blu. If I wasn't covered with cuts and bruises I would have said something but, right now, I just didn't give a damn. I felt my body getting tired all over again but I was fighting the urge to go back to sleep. Whatever medicine they had me on was strong because parts of my limbs were feeling more and more relaxed the harder, I fought.

"Sure. No problem. And if you need anything you can call me on the phone."

Blu smirked back at the nurse, gleaming a gold filled smile. "You mean the hospital phone, right?"

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