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"Whew, shit." Cut extended his hand outward to look at his watch and took a long whistle. Me and him was sitting on the beach and just kicking it with a bottle, sharing ideas and I guess you can say secrets. I told him about my mama and he told me about his life growing up, 1 out of 8 with 7 in foster care. 4 of the 7 strung out on drugs and 2 he don't even know what happened to them.

1, his brother, was in jail doing 30 for drug trafficking.

His mama was a stripper turned ho who ran away with her boyfriend slash pimp to he guessed detroit. He ended up staying down here with his grandma who was a nurse all the way until she was 70 and I think hbe said she was still alive.

I could tell by the way the corners of his eyes creased he loved that lady to death and he kept saying If she ain't put a switch to my ass i'd probably be in jail or dead. 

I wanted to ask him about his hustle. About the rumors. About the alleged kids. But I just kept it to myself and took another shot of vodka.

That shit burned.

"Aye, not to spoil the vibe but you know its 4am?" Cut embarrasingly said with a chuckle. "I know you bout to be 18 in a few months but I can't have you out and about on a school night. Come on. Lets get you home before your friend auntie kill you and Jamie." he stood up first and wiped the sand off his dark khaki pants.

I scoffed, picked up the bottle and stood to my feet. "Yeah, Jamie ain't text me all night.i hope she not doing some dumb heartbroken shit." no doubt the vodka surging throguh my veins and across my tongue.

"Did you even get a good look of the van?"

"Jeep. And nah. Shit just sped off and hit the corner which made it all the more suspect."

Cut sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "Next time that jeep come around, lemme know." 

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously before letting out a snorted giggle, stumbling forward just a bit. "So, you tryna be my nigga already?"

"Nah. Gotta smash first." he replied with confidence, checking his phone again as we made it to the sidewalk.

"Boy, what?" I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrow. "If I wanted you to smash, we coulda did that without you even being my nigga." I winked at him before I walked ahead like I knew where the parking garage was.

I didn't.

Cut let out a louder laugh that time as he quickened his pace up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as if to signal to the men passing not to fuck with me.

"So, you want to tell me whats stopping you?" Cut's curiousity got the better of him as we neared the parking garage on 5th street. Since when was parking $30 a fucking hour?!

Oh yeah, its valentines day.

Its valentines day! 

"Shit. I don't even know." I tapped my finger on my glossy lips before looking up at Cut with a smile. "I wanted to make you work for it. Let you know i'm not an easy broad nor am I a dummy."

Cut and I walked up to his car moments later. He opened the door and I tripped in with another playful laugh. When he started the car he leaned closer to me and shook his head, his free hand placed softly on my thigh. 

"Ma, I ain't going to fuck with you while you like this. If we gon' do this I want you in your right mind. Cause like I said, I ain't an ordinary nigga and if you down," he kissed my cheek before retracting to put both hands on the wheel. "You going to have to be all the way down."

I sucked my teeth, folding my arms around my chest like a brat in a candy store. "Hmmm. Okay, bet. You want someone that's down then, shit, try me." I smiled with great arrogance before leaning back into my seat with a smirk that looked like I had a secret that nobody knew.

"We gon' make this money together when i'm done. Watch."

Cut said nothing but let out a breath, smiling as if he had some intuition he only heard.

His whip roared to life and we sped off back on 95 to Jamie house.


"Jamie!" I called out into the dark house. Cut had drove off as soon as I walked inside the house, and good. The liquor was wearing off and my right mind started to kick in.

"Jamie!" I flipped on the bedroom light, then the bathroom light. My black YSL sandals clicking against her auntie cherrywood floors as I looked up and down and even under the couch.


"Damn, girl.. Why you so loud?" 

I turned around in a whirlwhind as Jamie stood there, eyes bloodshot and straight hair wild and poorly groomed back down.

"Jamie, what the fuck? Its 4 in the morning and you leave with some niggas I don't know and- SIGH What happened to you?"

Jamie sucked her teeth, mumbled something incoherent and shuffled past me like I was that roach in the kitchen you didn't want to deal with so you pretended they werent there. Was this bitch high?

I knew this behavior from somewhere.

"Jamie!" I followed behind her and watched her take off her clothes like I wasn't there and my eyes almost popped out my head. She had fucking hickies and bites all over her body like she was fucking a whole animal.

"Jamie, who the fuck you letting leave these marks on you?" I walked over to her and pointed at one with my finger which sent her off."

"Uh, Ana can you leave me the fuck alone? I love you and all but I ain't even tryna hear you sound like my fuckin' mama. I went to go chill and smoke with a few niggas and a nigga i'm talking to, okay? So get the fuck off my back!" she mushed her shoulder away from me and continued undressing.

"But, Jamie-"

"Ain't but shit, Ana. Just chill the fuck out. You had your lil date and so the fuck did I so just please leave it the fuck alone and lets just go to bed. Please."

I felt my throat block second by second. What got into her? She ain't never cuss me out like that and that just sent all my suspicions into a whirl but I knew poking at the situation was not going to make shit better. I took a long pull of air and let it fill my throat, then my nostrils, until finally-

"Alright. Goodnight Jamie."

I bunched up some clothes and went to shower in the guest bathroom. I ended up just sleeping in the guest bathroom that night until I heard Jamie throwing up and groaning at 6 in the morning.

She wasn't just smoking. I knew it. 


Tell me what y'all think. See y'all next chapter ♥

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