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Skooby still had me up in the Mandarin while he was out doing his thing. he would leave early in the morning and come back late at night so that basically gave me the chance to be able to do whatever it is that I wanted to do and, almost most importantly, talk to the nigga cut as freely as I pleased.

I was on facetime with Jamie and she was going on and on about some shit that BG was doing or what her and BG was planning to do but really my mind wasn't on what she had going on. every so often I was flipping between facetime and texting Cut to even pay attention. shit, why should Jamie be the only one with dealings?

"Girl!" Jamie exclaimed "why you always putting me on pause? im telling you something important and I need your full attention otherwise the story lose its value!"

I was, yet again, texting back cut and not even fully hearing her. it wasn't until Jamie disconnected the facetime that I noticed she was even gone.

When I called her back she had her lips pouted like she had an attitude and all I could do was smile at her. "Jamie just vibe! you should be happy that I got this nigga and that we bout to hit a real come up!"

"Girl, YOU about to hit a come up. I don't want none of Cut money. and besides, me and BG gonna get married and i'm bout to be paid either way it go?"

Here she go.

"Jamie you know having a nigga babies guarantees nothing but that, a whole ass baby. that don't mean BG ready to be a daddy and you gotta think that way."

Jamie wasn't hearing that shit. she rolled her eyes off screen and when she was done with her little attitude she angled the phone better so I could she was laying down right along with you. "when you coming over? I miss you!"

"Come by the mandarin! you know I be here all day and skooby be gone all day so I just be by myself."

"I mean yeah but you know I hate that Biscayne traffic. and besides, when exactly you supposed to be going home?"

Shit. I was so caught up in this luxurious ass hotel room that I forgot all about home. I forgot all about that fight with junior. and I forgot that my mama was still in the hospital and not on vacation. When my mama was going to rehab and I would be dropped off to my grandma house, my grandma would tell me she was going on vacation. yeah, vacation. she would be gone for days or weeks at a time and it wasn't until I overheard my grandma on the phone that I knew her ass wasn't on vacation.

- - -

"Kandi, where are you? aint you supposed to be in rehab?" Yeah, Kandi's my mama nickname. been that way for about all her life.

"Kandi, you got a whole child here and you out running in the streets. why don't you want to come home and just do right by this chile? And what 'bout Toni? Where is he? Sweet Toni was my daddy nickname growing up. Sweet cause he had that good ole cake powder.

What you mean he don't know you out? Why shouldn't I call him? Kandi you ain't makin' no sense, baby."

"Kandi, Kandi- ok, i'm gon' come get you but im not gon' be around all yo life to save you."

My mama fucked around and had a really bad episode when I was 10 years old and it stressed my grandma out to the point of having a stroke. She died 6 months later on my birthday.

I miss my grandma dawg.

- - -

I sighed, rolled over with my phone in my hand and called Skooby on Facetime. I don't know what this was but there was a pressure in my stomach that crept into my throat. Pain I couldn't swallow back down.

"What's up, ma?" skooby seemed to be sitting outside with a toothpick in his mouth and a lot of niggas yelling in the background. he must be on the block rolling dice

"When you coming back?" I was feeling a little lonely and I could use a little attention. I aint want to admit it but skooby knew how to make me feel good when I needed it the most, and shit, a girl got needs.

I knew it wouldn't fix all these emotions bubbling up inside of me, but at least for the moment that heavy feeling in my chest would go away and I knew for a fact skooby would make me feel loved. inside and out.

"What you mean?" skooby got up and walked away from the noisy and nosey niggas yelling over snake eyes and lucky joes and held the phone up to his face outside of the sun. his dark cocoa skin was reflecting in the sun and I could see the beads of sweat line up with his tape that quickly ran down his face to his bottom lip and I had to admit that nigga looked so good.

Those large dark lips and his strong jawline.. man I remember when he was ugly as fuck and always had braids in his hair that never grew! now that he got a little pussy and some drobe he was just an entirely new person.

"Anaiis. yo!" he signaled my attention and I just raised my brows in response to him. I sucked my teeth and rolled over to better lighting "I don't know.. I just.. I just miss you." my voice was soft and much more vulnerable than what he was used to and it even made his eyebrows stand to attention.

"word?" he was smiling wide and shit like he was just told an ancient secret. his 6 to the bottom shining in that afternoon sun. "so, what you tryna do?" he squinted down at the phone and licked his lips slowly, making me want to pull him through the phone.

"Why you do that shit?" I whimpered as I rolled on my stomach. that was his signature 'i'm gonna beat that shit up' look and it was making me mad he wasn't here with me.

"Hah, I aint doin' nothin' ma. but lemme finish this game right quick and I'll text you. you sure you want me to come by?"

Fuck yes.

I sucked my teeth in a brattish fashion, kicking my legs back and forth in slight agitation. "yeah, skooby. just... come back to the hotel." my ambiguous words were making it clear what I was asking for and I think he got the point.

he licked his lips silently, smiled a little bit, then ended the call without saying much else.

In the midst of my facetime, Cut had text me a few times.

aye shawty 2b real if you wanna vibe with me you gotta be down for a lot. I aint no ordinary dude and I don't live an ordinary life. so when all this shit is done with ya ole girl come chill wit a nigga and lemme see what you bout

Shit I aint see why not.

I sent Cut a heart emoji and Skooby an eggplant emoji with water emojis next to it and he responded with an emoji man running next to a cat.

You so corny!

His ass sent me a kiss emoji in response.

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