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Ana dropped her bags to the floor, dabbing the corners of her eyes with a spare napkin she stashed in her bra. Nerves ablaze and heart quickening in pace, she could barely settle down in the hotel room despite it only being her inside. She couldn't put her finger on the matter but the air in the room felt stiffer, thicker to breathe through, and just plain sticky to the skin.

She assumed it to be her nerves playing the best of her, but even with an empty, eerily neat hotel room, she decided it to be the best thing to settle down and get out of her clothes. She rested her suitcase against the kitchen counter and slipped off her dress. She felt nauseous to her stomach and her tongue continued to stick to the roof of her mouth even though she continuously hydrated herself with water and wine.

Unzipping her suitcase, she spotted one of the two key factors she was hoping to find. She didn't know how long Cut would be gone so she thought it to be best to do what she needed to do and that was to sit down and make a game plan. She had to coordinate her moves to match the unknown timeframe she had to get this over with and drop Cut for good but everything in her wanted to vomit and lay down. Was it the wine? Was it her nerves? She was utterly unsure.

She stood in the door way of the bathroom, looking over her body a few good times before continuing with her task. She rubbed her stomach, trying her best to imagine a life where she could be happily engaged one day with a husband and a baby. She tried to picture it with Blu and it instantly made her smile that soon disappeared into a straight line.

Was this all going to be worth it in the end? Was blood still going to be shed? She had to swallow her wonder and continue with the program even if she lost the pamphlet a while ago..

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