Chapter 7

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You sat in the front passenger side seat and Connor was in the back. You arrived at your location and each of you got out of Hank's car. Ben was already there and other officers were sweeping the area and talking to local people. You and Hank went to talk to the little store owner. Hank asked him a few questions, but he had nothing to report. 

You were both back outside with Ben within a few minutes. You stood next to Hank and Ben came over too. You listened to him as he began to speak. 

"We've got officers sweeping the neighborhood in case anybody saw anything." Hank nodded.

"Okay. Well, let me or (Y/n) know if they turn anything up," Hank replied. Ben looked at Connor.

"What are you two going to do with that?" He asked. Connor was just standing there with nothing to do. It was a little weird. 

"I have no idea," Hank replied.

"Me either. You'd think it could look less creepy while he was waiting." You muttered the last bit. 

"No kiddin'." Hank agreed. You both walked back toward the car and Connor. He began to speak.

"It took the first bus that came along and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear." He said.

"Androids don't feel fear." You said.

"Yeah." Hank agreed.

"Deviants do." Connor contradicted. "They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions." Hank nodded. You thought about it.

"Ah well, that still doesn't tell us where it went," Hank said. Connor thought about it.

"It didn't have a plan and it had nowhere to go. Maybe it didn't go far." You had to admit that he might be right. You looked at the house behind all of you. You hummed a bit. 

"Connor," He looked at you. "let's go check out that building." He nodded and followed you over. You both looked around at the fence. You found a part that had been cut into with wire cutters. There was some blue blood on the fence. "Connor, come check this...Connor?" He was gone. He must've found another way inside. Hank came over.

"You find something?" 

"Yeah, but Connor went another way. I better find him." You sighed.

"Here, I got the fence. You go in." Hank said, holding it up.

"Thanks." You crawled under the fence and headed up to the house. You looked in through one of the windows. You could see Connor's jacket clearly. "Connor!" You shouted.

"Coming, Lieutenant!" You waited for him, but you heard a loud crash instead.

"What the fuck!?" You hurried inside. "Connor, what's going on?" You asked.

"It's here! Call it in!" He said. You turned and called to Hank. 

"Hank! It's here!" You were suddenly pulled back. You yelped from the force of it. You looked up to see a broken android...holding a knife.

"Ralph doesn't like visitors. R-Ralph was only trying to help. Humans...are dangerous." You scooted back, scared. You felt even more terrified when your back hit the wall. He raised the knife. 

You saw another man standing there for a split second. You remembered back to that old house with the kids. The little girl screaming and crying as she watched you take on the man that held her and the others hostage. 

You came back to the present as the android got closer. You glared at it. You quickly swung your leg around and kicked his out from under him. The android landed hard with a thud giving you the chance to get up and run. 

You made it out of the fenced area and you saw Connor running a little way ahead, trying to catch the other android. You ran after him. You caught up with him as he made it to another fence. Hank was there too. 

"Oh, fuck. That's insane!" He said as the android and the little girl tried to cross the highway. Connor tried to climb the fence. 

"Hey, where are you going?" You asked.

"I can't let them get away," Connor said.

"They won't. They'll never make it to the other side." Hank told him.

"I can't take that chance." He began to climb, but you and Hank pulled him down.

"Hey, you will get yourself killed!" Hank shouted.

"Do not go after them, Connor! That's an order!" You agreed. You looked back toward the two of them out there and Connor stopped trying to climb the fence. You watched as they crossed. You remembered something else. You backed away from the fence. Hank noticed this.


"I-I..." He looked confused, but then he understood.

"Ah, Jesus, kid, I'm sorry. Hey, it's alright." He tried to help as you began to shake. You were seeing it all over again. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), hey, are you with me? Snap out of it, kid!"

"What's happening? Is she alright?" Connor asked, also noticing that something was wrong.

"No! She's-ugh! Nevermind! You wouldn't get it!" Hank said, ignoring him. You were barely listening now. You didn't even realize you had started crying. It was probably hard to tell with the rain. "(Y/n)!" Hank shouted. You heard somebody else call your name when he did. It only made the memory more vivid. You couldn't take it.

"Stop! Just, stop!" You shouted, shutting your eyes and pulling yourself free of his grip. Both of them were surprised as you turned your back to them. You had to breathe, but it wasn't getting any easier. You began to shiver. You were cold now thanks to the rain. Your shivers became a bit more violent. Suddenly, you felt arms around you. 


"You are very cold. You need to warm up. I apologize if this is unideal." He said. You relaxed a little. You wanted to hug back and bury yourself into him so he could warm you up, but then you remembered that...this was Connor. This was an android. This wasn't real. He was just doing this because your body temperature was low and it would be 'inefficient' if you got sick. You felt angry again. You pulled away from him. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to stop yourself from shaking for whatever reason it may be any longer.

"Let's go. It's fucking freezing out here." You muttered, heading back to the car. Hank followed after you with a sigh. He knew not to say anything. You didn't want to be bothered by either of them. You got into the front passenger side seat and Hank got into the driver's seat. Connor got in the back. You glanced up at the rearview mirror and saw that Connor was looking at you. He looked concerned, but you reminded yourself what he was. You looked out the window, saying nothing as Hank started up the car. He's an android. They don't feel. It CAN'T care. I'm not making the same mistake again.

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