Chapter 74

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??? POV

*Later the night*

I walked into the lab. I looked around. I saw our...project on the table. I walked over to who I was going to see.

"It's been weeks. We're running out of time. We can't stay hidden forever." I said. He turned and looked at me.

"Things like this take time and time requires patience."

"We wait much longer and everything we've done is for nothing! We need to move quicker!" I said. He sighed.

"I understand that there is an urgency, but you must understand that I have never attempted this before. There is still no guarantee that your wishes will be accommodated to."

"I know you haven't done this before, but time doesn't wait for anyone either. Patience has nothing to do with it. Besides, the situation is getting worse. We're running out of time on both accounts." 

"We will have enough time. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I may have never done this exact experiment before, but I'm confident that I'm close to making a breakthrough. Just a little longer, I'm sure." I sighed.

"I hope you do. We put everything on you."

"I know. You will not be disappointed. You just better hope you can keep your own secrets." He warned me. I paused. I shut my eyes tight.

"I'm not proud of what I've done, but if I let the truth come out everything would go south. I know what I'm doing. I've carried this secret for years. Nothing will change after this." I told him. He chuckled.

"If I were in your shoes, I would hope so." I turned.


"Goodnight to you as well. Tell the others I said hello for me, will you?"

"Sure thing." 

Collin's POV

I went back to the station. I knew what conditions I was under. I had gotten some new information and I knew what I had to do now. Unfortunately, there was something else I'd have to do in order for it all to work.

I walked over to Detective Reed. I was hoping he wasn't going to snap at me, but the chances of that were slim. It was late and we were the last two people in the precinct. He was on his phone, clearly ignoring my presence.

"Detective, may I ask you something?" I asked.

"What the fuck is it now, tin can?" He asked back, glaring at me slightly.

"I was wondering if I may come to your place of residence since I do not have anywhere else to go except here." He gave me a weird look.

"Then fuckin' stay here." My LED turned yellow. 

"Detective, I understand that it is your property, and I will respect your rules, but I would like a place to stay. May I please come with you?" I said, keeping my voice monotoned to not show that I was frustrated with his constant negative behavior. He growled angrily but stood up.

"You do exactly what I say or else, got it?" He snapped. I knew he wouldn't be able to take me down, but I went along with it.

"Yes, Detective." He grumbled a little before telling me to follow him. He drove us to his house and went inside. I followed after him. I walked inside, shutting the door behind me. Within a few moments, I felt something around my feet. I looked down. It was an orange tabby cat. 

"Cheezy! Come on! I got your food." Gavin said. The cat apparently named 'Cheezy' meowed and scampered over to him, pawing at his legs impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, you spoiled ball of fur." Gavin set down the bowl and Cheezy dug in. I scanned it. It was tuna. 

"Your cat is only 3 pounds over a cats natural weight," I said.

"He's still fuckin' spoiled," Gavin said. 

"He is very cute," I commented, still keeping my composure.

"Didn't know you could think things were cute. You act like you don't care about anything." I ignored his comment.

"I am fully capable of feeling what all other deviants can feel."

"Deviant? I didn't know you were one." I turned.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You act like a regular android. You? Deviant? I doubt it. You just have a more convincing programmed personality. What? Kamski actually send you to spit in our faces? We lose (Y/n) and they send you to replace her? Tch, what a fuckin' great gift." He growled, true venom in his voice. It was then I understood.

"You are insulted because you lost an officer and I came to help ensure that similar events don't reoccur," I stated.

"An officer!? She wasn't an officer! She was the best damn thing that ever happened to the people at that station until your kind made her ex want to screw a plastic whore instead of who he was supposed to marry!" I saw that his eyes were blazing with anger.

"It is not my fault that she took a hit for Connor," I said.

"No, but you androids are just so fucking perfect that she lost the last bit of love she had! It tore her sanity away! She lost everything! And now we get you, a plastic prick who acts like he's so much better than everyone else and was sent her to 'protect' us. I don't need you fucking watching me. I'll handle myself. Stay the fuck out of my way, asshole." He hissed. I watched as he went to his room, slamming the door and locking it. I sat down on the couch. I knew now that gaining his trust would not be an easy task, but I'd have to get it if this was going to work. 

Cheezy hopped up on my lap and I pet him as he laid down, purring loudly. I grinned ever so slightly. I did like cats. I kept petting him as I thought. Honestly, I knew I shouldn't be feeling that way, but I had a slight hint of regret since (Y/n) had been Gavin's only friend. It was something that I knew I had no option of control over, but something made me feel...bad for him. What is going on? I'm not supposed to get connected to them. I told myself. Little did I know, things were about to change.

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