Chapter 182

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Gavin's POV

I was relaxing at home as Collin was out shopping. I'd told him that I would've gone with if it weren't for the fact that I didn't want to risk people finding out about us. He understood and said it was no big deal. I was grateful that he was so willing and understanding about it all.

I laid on the couch as the cats snuggled up around me. Satin was in front of me, curled up with her back pressed against my stomach. Cheezy had chosen to sit on his porch which was really just a smushed down spot on the back of the couch. I could've sworn that spot had formed to every little hair on his body. It was distinctly his shape at this point.

I honestly didn't mind it though. It was honestly one of the few little things that I actually didn't mind. It was one of those things that allowed you to actually call your house a home, ya know? 

As I laid there carelessly watching TV and flipping back and forth between channels, I checked the time. I frowned slightly. Collin had been gone for a while. I was kinda concerned about it. Last time he was gone for long, he'd left to go to Shane's lair with that whole fucking mess. 

Honestly, that day had really sealed the deal for me. Just how he'd told me that he couldn't turn against me had broken any barriers I'd set. It had been proof that he cared and would be there for me. I would never forget the look he gave me or the sweet caring tone of his voice even in the middle of a life and death situation. It would always strike me as a miracle, nothing less.

As I waited and wondered, I thought about calling him. I could try. There was no harm in it, after all. I just didn't want to seem paranoid or possessive is the thing. Those weren't huge concerns, but they still came to mind.

Should I call? The question lingered for a few minutes. I sighed and leaned forward to snatch my phone off of the coffee table. I opened it up and scrolled down until I landed on his number. I blushed slightly as I saw the blue heart I'd put after his name. This is why I have my phone locked and password protected. 

I tapped the green phone and it started to ring. He answered on the second ring. I was relieved that he'd answered. Clearly he was alright. Maybe I really am paranoid. My thoughts were cut short as he spoke.


"Hey, Collin. What's taking you so long to get back? You left like two hours ago."

"Oh, sorry, Gavin. I got caught up with something. I'm on my way back right now. I won't be much longer. I hope I didn't worry you too much~" I heard the tease enter his voice on the last sentence.

"Shut up, tin can," I muttered. I heard him chuckle.

"I'll be home soon, Gavin. I promise."

"See ya."

"Love you~" I blushed, still annoyed by his teasing.

"Uh-huh, sure," I said sarcastically.

"Oh, don't be so sour. Come on, Gav. Say it." I sighed.

"Love you two, you pain in the ass."

"I'll take it." 


"Goodbye." I set my phone back down as I relaxed once more and waited. He came back soon enough and I nudged Satin so she could get up and allow me up as well. She stretched and yawned before hopping down. I sat up and I helped him with some of the bags. I noticed there were more than there should've been.

"Why so much stuff?" I asked.

"Well...I may have taken longer because...I wanted to do another date night tonight." He admitted, blushing while also smiling at me. I was surprised, but I sighed with a grin.

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