Chapter 25

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You finished your dance, panting slightly. You opened your eyes and faced the screen. A perfect run. You grinned. Can't believe I still got it. It's been years. Guess it's muscle memory. Then, a voice brought you back to the present.

"That was amazing, (Y/n)." You whipped around, remembering that Connor had been watching the entire time. Your heartbeat sped up.

"O-oh, I-I...I was just...t-trying my best. I've done it a lot. It's nothing special." You insisted.

"That was far from nothing. That was very well done. You're an outstanding dancer." He complimented. You turned away, hiding your blush. What is HAPPENING to me!? Snap of it, damn it! You scolded yourself. You quickly resolved and returned your tone to neutral. 

"Thanks, I guess. It's still just a game. Not the impressive." You brushed off. 

"I still have to disagree. After all...I cannot dance." You turned around to face him again. He actually looked a little...embarrassed. You thought about it. You got an idea. You were about to grab the second remote so he could join you, but your mind flashed to an old memory. You recoiled, your heart rate going up again. You took a few deep breaths before turning around to face him again.

"I mean, you can try out a dance if you want to." You offered instead.

"I do not think that would end too well." You shrugged.

"Your choice. Your loss." You replied. You switched games since he didn't take up your offer and you didn't want to slip up and show him anything else. You put in another game and sat down on the couch. You began to play God of War 4. It was a really good game. You had gotten pretty far in it. Connor watched the screen, interested. You grinned a little at his curiosity. He was like a wide-eyed puppy.

You turned back to the game as he watched you play. Soon enough, you got into a battle. You fought hard and Connor looked surprised. You didn't notice it, too focused on the battle. Soon enough, you killed all the enemies and collected your loot. 

"They make a very good team." You turned to Connor as he spoke.

"Yeah. That's the point. They're father and son. He's teaching Atreus how to fight." You explained.

"What is their objective?" Connor asked. Right. He doesn't know about the mother. 

" the beginning of the game, they cremate the mother of the family. She died, but I don't know how she died. That they don't show. So, her final wish was to have her ashes spread out at the highest peak in all of the realms. But now they're being hunted by some dude and I still don't know his name. I haven't gotten that far yet. That's pretty much it. They met some woman with these healing powers. I got to see the world serpent which was REALLY cool. Oh, and I met a guy named Brok. He has blue skin. He's my shop dude." You explained. Connor nodded, his LED spinning yellow as he took in the information.

"I see... So...they're trying to get to the highest peak?"

"Yeah. Pretty much." You replied. He nodded. After about an hour of playing and explaining, it was time to head out to Hank's place. You and Connor climbed into your car and you started it up. You backed out of your driveway and began the drive to Hank's. 

After a moment of silence, Connor spoke up. You had enjoyed the bit of quiet, but it never lasted. It was something you'd gotten used to over the years.

"Lieutenant, may I ask you a personal question?" You glanced over at him, knowing you had to stay focused, but also knowing that you were honestly interested in what he could possibly ask you this time.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Why did you hesitate when you went to grab the second remote?" Your heart stopped for a moment. You tried to force the memories away, but they came back full force. You remembered the laughter and the joy you'd had, but you also remembered exactly why it all had ended. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." You said quickly.

"When you finished your first dance?" He reminded. Not like you didn't actually know what he was talking about.

"I'm driving, I can't focus on your stupid questions!" You said. His LED turned yellow for a moment before he looked away and back out the window.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to upset you." You glanced over at him again. In the reflection of the window, you could see that he looked...slightly guilty. You frowned a little. Damn it. Why'd they make it so convincing? You cursed to yourself.

"Look, Connor. I just...just forget it okay? I do a lot of stupid things. You should know at least that much by now." You said, trying to brush it off as a joke. He looked back at you again.

"I understand if my questions are too blunt. I will try not to do it again." He replied.

"I guess it's understandable that you'd get curious. You're supposed to ask questions and then find the answers, right? It'd just be in your nature. Its just...sometimes questions are better left unanswered." You told him. He thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"I...understand." You looked back at him. He looked deep in thought now. You focused on the road again, but now you couldn't get it out of your head. You sighed mentally. Why did you have to bring that shit up? Why can't you just for once leave me alone? Some of your questions really ARE better off unanswered. 

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